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This seems to be fair and carnival time as we round out the summer months. This past week, it was the Plainfield Farmers Fair, and following that the Bushkill Township Vol. Fire Co. carnival, and the 4-H Fair at the 4-H Center in Bushkill Township. And coming up soon is the Allentown Fair.  There’s also the annual Street Fair over in Northampton. I reckon the biggest show of them all is the MusikFest down in Bethlehem that will be coming along very soon. So, there’s plenty to do and places to go, before and after the kids head back to school. . . .This Friday is the great Bath Duck Race. You don’t wanta miss that. It’s a fund raiser, but it’s also fun rooting for your duck if you know where it is. Course, that’s impossible, so all you can do is hope. Maybe I can convince them to paint mine green so I can see it better.  Be sure and sign up down at the farmers market or over by the Monocacy Creek this Friday afternoon, and at least you have a chance of winning a prize. . . . The Masons in town worked the Plainfield Township Farmers Fair, watching the gates on the nights they had their tractor pulls.  On Saturday, they had a picnic up at the Point Phillips Rod & Gun Club, enjoying hot dogs, hamburgers and clams.  I hear the clams were a tune-up for August 15, when they have a joint clambake with the Whitfield Lodge of Tatamy over at Stew Bady’s Grove. . . . I don’t wanta jinx the Phillies, but it’s sure nice seeing ‘em win games like they’ve been doing since the All-Star Game. Cole Hamels pitched a whale of a game for his no-hitter over the Chicago Cubs. Luckily, he had good backing from his fielders, especially that unusual rookie, Odubel Herrera. He pulled off a couple of circus catches that saved the game for Hamels. Next week the Phils play the Atlanta Braves. Sorry, Greg, we wanta win!. . . Lee Creyer, who many around here know, retired recently from the state Fish & Boat Commission. He was the waterways conservation officer over in Lehigh County. A fellow Lehigh County WCO from the Game Commission, Ye Ed’s son Kevin, had a picnic party for him a couple weeks ago with a bunch of deputies there with their wives. Best of luck, and enjoy your retirement, Lee!!  I hear he also plays dart ball for the Lutheran team here in Bath. . . . Barry Fenstermaker will officially take his seat on borough Council come next Monday, August 3. What is it now? Three men and four women on Council. . . . Hats off to the folks who have been running vacation Bible schools at area churches. They have wonderful programs for the young’uns that will stay with them for years to come. . . . Enjoyed a couple days of no humidity, but it’s back again – sweating time.  Can’t jump in the creek and cool off like we used to.  Have a great week, gang!


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