The Allen Township Board of Supervisors discussed plans for the township’s future salt shed during their meeting on Tuesday, March 27. The new and improved salt shed will help public works store and maintain road salt.

Township engineer Robert Cox presented two possible layouts for the 12-foot-tall salt shed, which will be located behind the township’s municipal building. The salt shed can either be built four to five feet in the ground, with the earth walls offering support, or it can be built on top of the ground, further away from public works’ current storage shed.

Cox favored the second option, explaining that the first option would require the salt shed and a future second storage shed for public works to share a wall. This would ultimately be more expensive and create a dead space on the municipal property’s lot.

Other supervisors agreed with Cox.

Supervisor Dale Hassler said he believes the second option will “allow room for expansion” and future buildings.

Supervisor Bruce Frack asked Cox whether there would be enough room for trucks to access the salt shed. Cox explained that public works only wants a dump truck, which will fit. If an emergency requires any vehicle that is larger, road salt will be dumped in front of the shed and shoveled in.

Frack was accepting of this response.

“If you are okay with that, then I will be alright with it,” Frack said.

Supervisors motioned to move forward with designs for the salt shed, opting for Cox’s second layout.

In other news, the township provided an update on Willowbrook Road construction and improvements. Currently, there are still permitting issues from PennDOT, though Cox says construction is starting to move faster since the weather has been warmer.

Cox also said a bypass will soon be opened at the southern end of Willowbrook Road. This bypass will help traffic move along while the road’s waterlines are being worked on.

Cox anticipates all traffic should be back to normal before the road crosses into the township.

The next Board of Supervisors meeting will be held on April 10 at 7 p.m. in the township’s municipal building.


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