The Board of Supervisors discussed posting signage in township cul-de-sacs to avoid recent snow plowing issues at their February 5 meeting. Many township residents of township cul-de-sacs have been parking all over the streets, making it almost impossible for snow plowing to be completed. Solicitor Daniel Backenstoe explained that signs can be posted but are not enforceable without an ordinance.  Backenstoe suggested that the township decide which cul-de-sacs the signs be posted in, what the weather conditions be prior to enforcing parking violations, and the parking fine amounts. Once this is decided, Backenstoe has agreed to put together an ordinance before any signs are posted.

Residents of Countryside Manor approached the board of supervisors with concerns to failed infiltration beds on their properties.  Residents explained they believe the manhole on the property was made incorrectly and requested Keystone Engineering visit the property to assess the situation. Various defects have caused the woods to deteriorate and sinkholes to develop. Township engineer Kevin Horvath has agreed to visit the property to assess the situation before moving forward with whether a solution can be provided by the township.

Moore Township resident Thad Turner of Mountain Road subdivided his property a few years ago. A condition for approval of his subdivision plan was that T. Turner replace a pipe crossing Mountain Road. In 2009, T. Turner posted an improvements escrow in the amount of $13,000, guaranteeing that the pipe be replaced. T. Turner and his grandson, Braden Turner, approached council requesting permission to replace the pipe themselves, instead of hiring a contractor. The township explained that in order to execute this successfully, T. Turner and B. Turner would need to hire security and flaggers, contact the bus company, research insurance policies, and other requirements before taking further steps. The township agreed to look into insurance and legality before any permission is granted. They suggested T. Turner and B. Turner get quotes from contractors before deciding to complete the project themselves.

A bridge located on Fox Road requires replacement. Michael Emili, director of Public Works for Northampton County, explained to the board that the bridge replacement is designed to be expanded to 22 feet in width, allowing for two ways of traffic. James Collins, a nearby resident of the bridge, expressed the concerns of him and his wife, Deborah Collins, pertaining to the dimensions set in place for the redesign. Collins feels that, although 22 feet is the minimum amount of footage required by the state, it is not an appropriate measurement based on the number of pedestrians that walk this bridge. Collins requested that the township support him by sending a letter to the county stating they would like Northampton County to consider following Moore Township’s rules for road width. Collins hopes the Public Works for Northampton County will reconsider the 22 ft. width. The township plans to support Collins with this letter.

The board went over fire and police reports for the month of January. Jason Harhart reported the Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company responded to 31 fire calls with 356 man-hours recorded. There were four fires, four motor vehicle accidents, two ambulance assists, and two mutual aid calls. There were reported two wires down, three tires down, one smoke investigation, one animal rescue, one flood, and 11 controlled burns. They also responded to 65 ambulance calls with 228 man-hours recorded. The volunteer fire company also participated in 150 man-hours of fire and ambulance training.

Harhart is the Moore Township representative for the Nazareth Area Regional Plan. Moore Township is a part of the 10 municipalities in Northampton County that are reviewing the current Nazareth Area Regional Comprehensive plan that was adopted in 2006. These municipalities and the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission have been working to update this current plan with relevant information about area growth, development, open space, transportation, and zoning. A new website has been established for residents to follow the plan’s progress-

The board of supervisors approved Karris Pennington as a new member of the Moore Township Recreation Commission Board. The Recreation Commission Board is looking for another member. All those interested should inquire.

The board went on to discuss more township business. Borough Vice Chairman, David Shaffer, requested that each township board be granted the option to have a police officer present at their meetings. Shaffer feels the safety of board members and township residents should be a priority. His request was approved.  It was announced that Lester Smith has resigned from the Zoning Hearing Board. President Nick Steiner mentioned he will be working with different committee members to update their pages on the borough website. The website information will be current. The board went on to approve the Lions Club’s “Fishing for the Blind” event at Schiavone Park on May 11, 2019 and their September car show. Daniel Piorkowski will be re-running for township supervisor.

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