Residents of the Bath View Condominiums off Route 512 are unhappy with current development on the property. Phase 1 of the development has yet to be completed after a new developer came in to finish the project. However, the developer, Justin Huratiak, has begun Phase 2 of construction.
“Phase 1 must be completed prior to development [of Phase 2],” representatives from the condo association said during the Borough of Bath council meeting on September 3.
They said their development is flooded with construction vehicles blocking their parking spots and exits as the new condo units in Phase 2 begin construction.
“We are just asking for what has been promised,” they said. “What will happen if the builder does not finish Phase 1?”
Borough solicitor Jamie Kratz told residents that the borough has cash security from the developer in case improvements are not completed.
Kratz also clarified the development contract. He said the developer has done “what was required” in order to begin construction on Phase 2. He only needs to finish Phase 1 before a certificate of occupancy can be granted for the new apartments in Phase 2.
He explained that the residents of the condos bought into this situation when they bought into the development.
“It is part of the risk,” he said.
Residents also said that they are having issues with Huratiak. They said their access is blocked and road work is leaving them with flat tires. They asked for a site inspection.
Residents said they feel taken advantage of and that the developer has “been given access to control the property for his own use.”
Council appreciated residents bringing up the issues.
“If it happens day after day…and no one tells us, we cannot do anything about it,” said Councilman Mark Saginario.
Citations have been issued and council said the borough is “doing what it can do from a zoning side.” Kratz added that the borough will not release anything on an open investigation into the property.
In other news, council voted to remove “No Parking” signs at unused rental spots in the borough’s public parking lot.
“We need public parking,” said Councilman Frank Hesch.
Signs will be erected as the spots are rented.
Finally, Mayor Fiorella Mirabito announced that the borough’s neighborhood watch group is in “serious need” of block captains.
She asked residents to “step up to the plate” and work with State Police to put together a strong and engaging watch group for the borough.