A replica of the world’s most enigmatic stone circle, Stonehenge, is taking over Nazareth’s circle with the first ever Nazareth Hayhenge.

Inspired by Clonehenge, a blog dedicated to replicas of Stonehenge, Nazareth Hayhenge will be added to the Farmer’s Market on September 21, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the center circle.

Famed Clonehenge blog author, Nancy Wisser, a Nazareth resident, was invited to visit Stonehenge a few years back and decided to write a blog about all the fun happenings around the world duplicating Stonehenge. Her following grew worldwide and she was shocked at the outpouring of support.

“A friend and I were exchanging links to Stonehenge replicas back in 2008, just as a joke, and as I searched for ones to show him, I began to see that there were way more than I would have ever guessed. I thought someone must have already started a blog about it, but when I searched, I didn’t find one. Eventually, I realized it was going to have to be me,” says Wisser.

Nazareth Hayhenge will present themed activities for the whole family to participate in. Foodhenge, a build your own version of Stonehenge made from food from the vendors at the farmers market, is open to people of all ages. There is a $5 entry fee with prizes awarded for each category being judged. There will also be a Stonehenge photo-op on site, hay bale tic-tac-toe and a children’s play area where they can duplicate Stonehenge by using cardboard building blocks. Live music will be heard throughout the event as well.

“I have seen pictures of a lot of Hayhenges and Strawhenges, simple and elaborate. Ours will be small and simple to fit easily in the Nazareth circle. It may just be a few trilithons, which are two upright ‘stones’ with one across the top,” comments Wisser.

“Stonehenge replicas and building them hits a sweet spot. On one hand, mankind’s deep prehistory with its wonder and mystery, and on the other hand, the fun and humor of building silly short-lived replicas of something huge and ancient, which really brings up wonder and laughter at the same time,” adds Wisser.

Wisser will be at Nazareth Hayhenge discussing Stonehenge, Clonehenge, and all of the replicas around the world, as well as the fall equinox, during this fun event. To follow Nancy Wisser’s blog, please visit clonehenge.com.

“Stonehenge can also make us aware and help us teach our children about the movements of the sun throughout the year and the reason we have seasons,” Wisser says.

Follow Nazareth Hayhenge on Facebook for event updates and details, https://www.facebook.com/events/2239327842832335/, and be sure to tag yourself in photos from the event #NazarethHayhenge.

If you’re looking for something fun to do with the family that is a little out of the ordinary, and also a good history lesson, stop by Nazareth Hayhenge and experience all this event has to offer on Saturday, September 21.


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