Bath Borough Council met Monday, Feb. 10 where they voted on various items that were discussed in previous months.

During the meeting, Councilman James Lisiecki announced that this year’s Spuds and Spurs event will be held on Saturday, June 21 from 1-6 p.m. on Chestnut and Northampton streets along the parking lots.

President Frank Hesch also announced that the America’s 250th Celebration Committee is requesting council’s approval for a brick sale fundraiser through Bricks R Us, which charges $20 per brick, and includes engraving and shipping.

A sample brick

Bricks would be available for current and previous Bath Borough residents at a cost of $40 per brick or $75 for two bricks. The bricks will go at the trailhead on the corner of Ciff Cowling Park and will be installed on or before July 4, 2026. The committee will draft details regarding what can and cannot be placed on the bricks to ensure they are tasteful.

Council consensus was to allow the committee to move forward with the project.

In other business, council unanimously approved an authorization for the borough manager to negotiate the purchase of real property belonging to Joseph Homay containing approximately 0.50 acres of vacant wooded land, located off of Creek Road, pending the outcome of a property appraisal and review of property documentation, offering an amount not to exceed a property appraisal of $1,000 and meeting all other acceptable terms and conditions of the purchase of real property in coordination with and to the satisfaction of the borough solicitor. 

The purchase will give the borough access to more points of the creek.

Council also unanimously approved an authorization for the borough manager to execute an agreement with First Regional Compost Authority, adoption of the Bath Borough Stormwater Authority’s Management Agreement and adoption of the Bath Borough Stormwater Authority’s Lease Agreement, which included a 25-year length.

Additionally, council unanimously approved an authorization for the borough manager to proceed with a TELCO Inc. quote for the replacement of the cabinet assembly at Barrall Avenue and Walnut Street due to a motor vehicle crash hit and run. The estimated cost of the cabinet assembly is $51,275. 

Mayor Fiorella Reginelli Mirabito voiced concern about the borough’s responsibility to fix the new traffic signal lights that PennDOT recently installed, stating that the borough cannot afford to pay for cabinet assembly replacements at $51,275 each time it is hit. The borough previously asked PennDOT if they could place barriers around them to protect them from damages incurred by vehicular accidents, but PennDOT denied the request.

Moreover, Hesch inquired about installing cameras at that location, which would enable the borough to file with drivers’ insurance companies for the payment of damages, but Borough Manager Bradford T. Flynn informed him that this option would also be quite costly.

Next, council unanimously provided consensus on a resolution to add Public Works Department employees as parking code officials, which will allow them to have vehicles towed when working on roads if they are parked in a no parking zone.

Council also unanimously approved a SALDO application 90-day extension for 522 E. Northampton St.

Following an executive session, council unanimously approved a zoning item regarding ongoing enforcement action involving properties in the borough for failing to proceed with appropriate applications to secure zoning relief. Respective of an active application by Sacred Heart Parish, the motion authorized communication to the Zoning Hearing Board indicating council’s position on the application and their decision to expect conditions of any potential zoning relief, those conditions being that the applicant proceed with a lot consolidation plan, as well as a SALDO application associated parking lot.

Last, council provided consensus to allow Hera Registry to take over foreclosed and vacant property registration.

The next Bath Borough Council meeting will be held on Monday, March 10 at 6 p.m. in Borough Hall, located at 121 S. Walnut St.