

At the Nazareth workshop meeting on Thursday, July 2, many topics were addressed. During the citizens-to-the-floor segment, a concerned citizen came forth to report the problem of the overflow of water that came onto her property after last week’s big storm. She felt the borough was not taking the issue seriously or handling it in a timely manner. Councilman Michael Kopach identified with the resident, however the borough budget is tight and the resident was told the situation was unavoidable due to the size of the storm and heavy rain. The resident suggested that council “act more on behalf of the citizens” and asked the cost of the work for repairs and if it could be done in steps. Councilman Lance Colando said the council can’t vote for a solution to her problem without a prior design draw-up. At this time there is only a preliminary design and cost was unknown so it could not be presented at that time.

Colando explained they could not put the drainage in next week and it would probably have to go into the 2016 budget. Councilmen John Samus and Council Secretary Paul Kokolus reported they couldn’t get grants because of the median income of that area. Colando said if they could not get a grant it would need to go into the budget in September.

Another Nazareth resident addressed an issue to council regarding a parking ticket his son received, due to the parking ban for a parade the following day. He stated there was notice late the night before, but no sooner, as is required. Councilman Carl Fischl confirmed the required notice time is 24 hours prior and agreed to take the ticket and look into the issue further.

A resident from 55 Progress Avenue addressed an accident-prone intersection on behalf of his neighbors. The intersection the man lives near has a massive blind-spot and he requested that a 15 ft. yellow No Parking line be put on the corner. It came to council’s attention that his address was not actually on the borough’s map. Mayor Carl Strye said he would look into the issue.

Councilman Stoudt named three motions he planned to introduce at the following business meeting. One motion, to direct the pension board to have a meeting, another to direct treasury to pay pool invoices, and lastly, to pay Palmer and company.

Councilman Frank Maurek had several motions on his agenda for the night. There was a motion to approve Sunday, Sept. 15 from 9-4 p.m. for a church picnic and a motion to approve Northampton College’s annual summer camp. There are also two motions regarding the office of District Magistrate John C. Cappobianco, one to accept a low bid to paint the office, and a second to approve a new lease. Maurek also had a motion to erect a gazebo, to accept a gift for shrubbery at the library, a motion to grant the Nazareth soccer team use of the field, and a motion to determine whether to hold back money to pay Vincent pools.

Fischl stated that Officer Stephen Lindstedt will be retiring, so he will have a motion to hire Mr. Grossman for the open spot. He also has a motion to continue to hire part-time police officers. Fischl stated the child safety books that were the subject of the June business meeting have been purchased and received, and are to be distributed on Nazareth Day. There will be a motion from Fischl to purchase lockout kits. He also announced that Chief Thomas Trachta is requesting a drug return box to be placed at police headquarters for the dropping off of unused prescription drugs.

Colando made residents aware that a new pumper and rescue truck arrived. Both will be ready for Nazareth Day.

In January, landlord and apartment inspections will be taking place. Thus far, the plans are to divide the town into quadrants. It has been ten years since the council has printed borough ordinances, so a motion to print 20 copies at a cost of $464.42 for all 20 is being sought. Kokolus recommended passing an ordinance to only accept cash or a check two weeks in advance for any payments made to the borough.

Councilman Brian Regn had a motion for two more security cameras that will cover the skate park and the entrance and exit for the borough park. The cost would be $6,867.

Mayor Strye said the Nixel system, a community wide alert system to send out emergency messages via text, was utilized June 30 when Nazareth was under a tornado warning. Councilmen Chavaroli, Regn and Stoudt said they did not receive the message.


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