During the East Allen Township Board of Supervisors meeting on Thursday, March 28, Fire Chief Barry Frantz honored three volunteer firefighters for their bravery during a January 1 fire in Bath.

“They performed the job above the call of duty,” he said of volunteer firefighters AJ Quileles and Jason Hadinger, who were present to accept the award. Josh Schmoyer was also honored, but is currently serving in the Marine Corps.

During the January 1 fire, four East Allen firefighters responded to the mutual aid call. Together, they helped rescue another firefighter trapped on the building’s third floor.

Frantz awarded Quileles and Hadinger with the Medal of Valor for doing their duty under hazardous conditions and preventing loss of life.

“I am glad they are part of our team,” said Frantz.

Supervisor Roger Unangst praised the volunteers for the “countless hours” they serve the township.

“Thank you for doing what you do,” he said.

In other news, the township has received resident complaints about traffic on Airport Road following the fatal accident at Airport Road and Jade Lane earlier in March.

Because Airport Road is a state road, all requests must go through PennDOT.

Township engineer James Milot said that the township has constantly asked PennDOT to reduce speeds on Airport Road. He also said that a signal is unlikely and “would not have changed the outcome” of the accident.

He said the township would try re-requesting a speed decrease, citing the accident and State Police report.

Supervisor Mark Schwartz encouraged residents to turn any complaints and plate numbers into the State Police.

“One day at a time…[our roads] are becoming unsafe,” added Unangst. “It does not matter if they run north and south or east and west. All are being abused.”

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