The Allen Township Board of Supervisors had an active virtual meeting on Tuesday, October 13. Their first item of business included approving a major subdivision plan by Veretek. The residential subdivision at 1024 Valley Road had been approved previously by the township’s planning commission. 

The approval is contingent upon the developers obtaining an offsite easement from an adjacent property owner. Waivers were also granted for walkways and road shoulders. Once homes on the property are built, the speed limit in the area will be 25mph. The developers agreed to provide the speed limit signage. 

Other business of the evening included discussion surrounding the NAZCOG Property Maintenance Code Intermunicipal Board of Appeals. This new board of appeals would allow an independent body to hear appeals or interpret conflicts regarding the township’s property maintenance code. 

Similar boards, explained Borough Manager Ilene Eckhart, have worked well because “[they] provide for a review committee of individuals outside of the township to look at these matters.”

While the township has never had an appeal to their property maintenance code, Eckhart added that it is better to put appeal boards together before any issues arise. 

Supervisors agreed and motioned to advertise an ordinance that would enable them to join the intermunicipal agreement. 

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Finally, it was decided that the next supervisors meeting on Thursday, November 5 at 6:30 p.m. will be held in-person at the township’s fire company. During that meeting, supervisors will discuss the proposed 2021 budget. 

Supervisors wondered whether they should start going back to all in-person meetings following November 5. 

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“If we had remote meetings in summer, why would we go back to in-person in the fall when the numbers are skyrocketing?” asked Supervisor Gary Behler. 

Supervisor Gerald Montanari agreed. 

“If the place is filled because everyone wants to get their word in, we are going to have an issue,” he said. 

Solicitor Lincoln Treadwell warned the council that they cannot limit the number of people attending public meetings, or restrict who can and cannot attend. He recommended moving forward with November 5 in person, but returning to a virtual format for their following meeting on November 10. Then, they can look at the situation and make a more formalized decision.

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