At their September 27 meeting, the Moore Township Planning Commission discussed a land development plan from Wheel Collision Center and two major subdivision plans. 

Wheel Collision Center is proposing a 6,000 square-foot storage unit in the back of the existing property on Moorestown Drive. 

The applicant questioned if the 20-foot wide buffering yard was required on the southern edge of the property; they stated that there is some buffering where there are currently residential properties. However, the planning commission has no jurisdiction over buffer requirements, and the applicant would have to ask for a variance from the Zoning Hearing Board. The property also marks the transition between the industrial and residential zones. 

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Two subdivision plans were discussed at the meeting as well. 

The first was for Loren Arthofer. According to the May 4 Board of Supervisors meeting, the proposed plan is to split a 20-acre property into two 10-acre building lots. The planning commission approved a motion to move the plan forward to the Board of Supervisors with the conditions set forth by Keystone Engineering and Moore Township’s sewage enforcement officer. 

The other major subdivision was for Nico DelSerro. DelSerro’s plan proposes to split a 56-acre lot into one 39-acre building lot and one 15- acre parcel. 

The property has previously undergone three successive minor subdivisions, which according to township subdivision and land development ordinances (SALDO), means it should proceed as a major subdivision. However, the last minor subdivision was 32 years ago, and the applicant is asking that it be reviewed as a minor subdivision.  

Eventually, the planning commission decided to approve a motion to grant deferral of the SALDO requirements that go along with a major subdivision, with the understanding that if either of the properties are further subdivided and/or developed in the future, the entire stretch of road must be improved in accordance with township standards at that time.

Also discussed at the meeting was an update on the Southmoore Golf Course project. 

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Kaplin Stewart is now representing Water’s Edge at Wind Gap, the project’s developer. Discussion on the plan was moved to next month’s meeting to allow the representative to review Keystone Engineering’s extensive comments. Further, the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission sent a letter saying the warehouse is not a good fit for Route 512 as it is too far from Routes 22 and 33. 

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The Moore Township Planning Commission will hold their next meeting on Monday, October 25 at 7 p.m. at the Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company, located at 2718 Mountain View Dr. 

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