During their meeting on Thursday, May 16, Northampton Borough Council approved an Eagle Scout project for Nathan Pany, a member of Troop 93. Pany plans to freshen up the gazebo at Canal Park. His project will include pressure washing and repairing the gazebo, picking weeds and cleaning up landscaping around the structure. 

Pany’s project was supported by all members of council, who look forward to another beautification project at the popular riverside park. Pany’s project joins another Eagle Scout project in the works, as well as a memorial garden planned for the late Reverend Jerry Mraz. 

Pany said he hopes to start his project soon. He is planning several fundraising events to help support the project. 

Mayor Tony Pristash hopes all of the projects at the park will make for a “good bloom” and a “more picturesque” landscape for walkers along the D&L Trail. Public Works is currently laying soil, while plans are in the works to re-pave the portion of the walking trail.

The population on the trail is picking up, Mayor Pristash added. The walkers, hikers and bikers are also venturing into town to explore local businesses.

“We’re very fortunate for that park,” Mayor Pristash continued. “It is going to be a very colorful summer.”

As beautification continues in the park, council reminded residents to maintain their own properties as well. With the warm weather, there has been an increase in weed complaints. 

“Trim your weeds. Trim your plants,” said Mayor Pristash. “Let’s all have a nice, beautiful town.”

In other news, parking on Main Street was once again a topic of discussion as businesses seek to make parking easier for patrons. Shops in the 1200 block of Main Street have requested a parking restriction limiting parking on the west side of Main Street to one hour between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Police Chief Bryan Kadingo will review and provide a recommendation. 

During their meeting, council also agreed to reach out to Kay Builders on behalf of property owners experiencing water accumulation issues in the area of Kingsbarns Lane. One resident, Jose Carrero, said his calls to the developer have not been responded to. His driveway is sinking, causing a safety hazard. 

“We need to hold these people more accountable for their services,” said Councilman Ronald Glassic, speaking of the developers and other companies that perform work in the borough. 

Finally, several upcoming events were announced. The pool is tentatively scheduled to open on June 1. Passes are still available at the recreation center. Paw Prints on the Canal will be on June 9 and the annual firefighters parade will be on July 20. 

The next Northampton Borough Council meeting will be on Thursday, June 6 at 7 p.m. 


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