The Moore Township Board of Supervisors met Tuesday, Sept. 3 to discuss waivers, a developer agreement, reports and updates to various events and township business.

To begin, supervisors unanimously approved several sewage module components for The Enclave at Bushkill land development, as well as a resolution for its sewage facilities planning module at 1490 Church Rd.

Two waivers for the Mast major subdivision were also approved. The first waiver was recommended by the Planning Commission for the 20-foot screen and easement requirement due to the location, which would impede sight and vision. The second waiver was for the requirement of locating and labeling existing natural and manmade features on the plans, which was approved with a single condition that the driveways of adjoining properties be located and labeled on the subdivision plans.

Supervisors also unanimously approved a developer agreement for the Faust HVAC addition. 

In other news, Police Chief Gary West provided the police department’s monthly report for August, which included 321 total incidents, seven warning/verbal and written notices issued, 13 traffic citations issued, two arrests were made for a fugitive from justice and criminal trespass/harassment, one non-traffic citation was issued for harassment, three reportable accidents and three non-reportable accidents.

Fire Recorder Jason L. Harhart then provided the August report for the Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company, which included 89 total ambulance calls and 30 fire calls for one fire, two motor vehicle accidents, one fire police, six automatic fire alarms, nine ambulance assists, four wires down, one tree down, two mutual aid calls with Lehigh Township for wires down and a fire and four mutual aid calls with Bath Borough for wires down, a fire alarm, a spill and a fire.

Public Works Director Craig Hoffman announced that the oil and chip maintenance work on the township’s roads will be completed as of the end of the week. This year’s oil and chip projects included Copella Road, Terry Road, Eagle View Drive and Yost Road, between routes 946 and 512.

Next, the board unanimously approved the appointment of Nicole Romanishan to fill the open auditor position. 

Under new business, supervisors unanimously approved the date and time for this year’s Halloween trick-or-treat night, which, like in previous years, will be on Thursday, Oct. 31 from 6 to 8 p.m.

The date of the November Board of Supervisors meeting will now occur on Tuesday, Nov. 12 due to Nov. 5 being Election Day.

Supervisors also unanimously approved a CD renewal maturing on Sept. 8 for 12 months at a 5% interest rate, as well as a new checking account for the police department’s community engagement due to their recent increase in community activity, which will allow the donations from events the department holds to be placed in the new special account.

Following, Township Manager Stephen T. Nowroski announced that he is working with T-Mobile on setting up 5G internet at the recreation center and increased security at the park. The 5G internet could possibly provide Wi-Fi for the public to use while at the park or when events and rentals occur at the pavilion. 

The next Moore Township Board of Supervisors meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 6 p.m. in the municipal building, located at 2491 Community Dr.