East Allen Township Deputy Fire Chief Ray Henry appeared before the East Allen Township Board of Supervisors on Thursday, March 13. He presented several updates from the department, as well as plans to encourage enrollment. This presentation follows two February town halls.
“These are things to consider as a community, as a council, [and] as a fire department,” Henry said.
He outlined several obstacles the department is facing that limits volunteers, namely an aging population (the average age of an East Allen Township resident is 52), a high call volume during work days, and low resident participation (only 35 East Allen Township residents have served as volunteer firefighters in the department’s nearly 50-year history).
“How do we create a plan to get folks through the door…and our trucks on the road in a timely manner?” Henry asked council.
Several plans include an ongoing Junior Firefighter Program for youths ages 14 to 18. The department has also increased its online social media presence and in-person presence at local events. Henry is also considering advertising with signage at the local parks where hundreds of young adults play sports.
The department is also continuing its tax reimbursement and per-call stipend program. Work is also underway to build rooms for two live-in firefighters who can offer support. Henry is in discussion with the local community colleges to find interested candidates.
“You can always say we tried,” Henry said of these ideas. “If we don’t have answers, we need to have plans…We’re only making our community better by having that plan in place.”
Henry said he has other ideas, like a staffing program, to bring before the board at a future date. However, the most important thing is to keep communication open between the department and supervisors.
“Being out of touch is a big problem, and that’s one thing I never want to be,” he said. “We can look at a contingency plan and be ahead of the curve instead of behind it…that’s our responsibility to the community.”
Those interested in volunteering for the East Allen Township Volunteer Fire Department can fill out an application online at https://www.eastallenfire.org/, or in person at the station at 5354 Nor Bath Blvd., Northampton.
The next Board of Supervisors meeting will be Thursday, March 27 at 7 p.m.