NewPhoto_MirabitoBOROUGH OF BATH’S 13 FT. NORWEGIAN SPRUCE at Monacacy Creek Park was planted on Wednesday, May 7. the tree was donated to the borough from the Unangst family. the tree welcomes residents and visitors to Bath on Rte. 248. Photo by Fiorella Mirabito.

Moore Township’s road crew is working on Smith Gap Rd. presently, one of 20 miles of gravel roadways in the township’s 100 miles of roads, chairman David Tashner of the Moore Township Board of Supervisors said this past Tuesday.

In addition, they are filling potholes from the ravages of winter and wash-outs from a recent heavy rainfall. They are also doing a spring clean-up of intersections. They will be working on a pipe crossing at Keeler Rd. before the road collapses from a corroded pipe, but first need a permit to do so.

In a report on mulch by secretary Richard Gable, he said they’ve gone through eight weeks of mulch from the First Regional Compost Authority in four weeks. It costs $15 per load of compost to be picked up. Every resident in the township can get the mulch they need for their garden work.


Under subdivision actions, the supervisors gave conditional final approval of a one-lot minor subdivision of Betty (Silfies) Walk and approved her sewage planning module as well as deferring road right-of-way improvements until the rest of the land is developed. One lot is being taken out of the farm. Tashner said it will be graded. Engineer Darrin Heckman is the engineer for the subdivision.

Conditional final approval was also given to James Cole, along with deferral of recreation fee because no building is planned at this time on the agricultural property. Surveyor Kenneth Hahn appeared for this plan.

Pool Rd. Problem

  • Elmer Gates, president of the Concordia Lutheran Church school board, expressed concern about conditions of Pool Rd. to Beersville Rd., where he said it needs widening and repairs. He said the students, parents and staff are at risk.
  • Tashner said it was believed the school wouldn’t be as big as it is, and only small buses would be used to transport students. He also said a swale is on both sides of a post, there is water run-off, and there is a parking problem along the road.
  • Planning Commission member John Becker said PennDOT never wanted a church or school at that location, which is along busy Rt. 248, atop a hill. Gates said he doesn’t want to be confrontational and would enjoy working with the township to come up some kind of solution.
  • A resident of that area said everybody knew the shape that Pool Rd. was in.
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Other Matters

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  • A letter of credit was reduced from $25,604 to $21,143 for phase three of Scenic View Farms on recommendation of township engineer Al Kortze. There is tree planting to do.
  • Eric Erb was appointed an alternate sewage enforcement officer so that someone is available when the sewage enforcement officer may be away on vacation or for any other reason.
  • A deed of dedication was approved for the Rudolph Farnack, Jr. subdivision along Kuter Road.
  • A member of the Environmental Advisory Council said a newsletter is coming out soon. She also expressed a need for volunteers to help when they have an electronic recycling event on June 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parking lot of Moore Elementary School.
  • A representative of the Land Preservation Board said their spring open house had a good turn-out of 21 landowners.
  •  Reports
  • Police Chief Gary West reported that the recent collection of unused, outdated medications from the public was a success. He gave this report of activities for April: 278 total incidents; 34 warnings in verbal and written notices; 19 traffic citations; 5 arrests (1 confinement of dogs, unlicensed dog, unvaccinated dog; 1 DUI, careless driving, and driving on roadways laned for traffic; 1 confinement of dogs, unvaccinated dog, unlicensed dog; 1 sell/furnish liquor, etc. to minors and corruption of minors; and 1 drug equipment violation); 1 reportable and 2 non-reportable accidents.
  • Klecknersville Rangers Vol. Fire Co. Fire Recorder Jason Harhart had this report for April: 16 fire calls with 256 man-hours (5 fires, 2 motor vehicle accidents, 1 accident with MedEvac, 2 standby, 2 mutual aid, 3 trees down, 1 wires down); and they had 35 ambulance calls requiring 140 man-hours.


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