OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANewly elected Bath Lions Club president James Spengler (right) accepts the gavel from immediate past president Jack Metcalf after he was installed by PDG Glen Santee on Wednesday.

Newly elected officers of the Bath Lions Club were installed this past Wednesday at their dinner meeting in the fellowship hall of St. John’s Lutheran Church. Officiating at the installation was past District Governor Glen Santee of Allentown, a member of the Mountainville Lions Club.

Seated for the 2014-2015 term were the following officers:

President, James Spengler; 1st vice president, Rev. Jay R. Wetzel; 2nd vice president, Melissa Grube; 3rd vice president, William Falstich; immediate past president, Jack Metcalf; secretary, Daniel Spengler; treasurer, Gail Metcalf; tail twister, James Spengler; lion tamer, Charles Billings; membership chairman, P.D.G. William Halbfoerster; board of directors – 2nd year, Ken Edgar, Jack Metcalf, Donald Halbfoerster; 1st year, William Falstich, Kyle Grube, William Halbfoerster.

The club awarded a $250 memorial scholarship to a graduating senior from Northampton Area High School, Vasil Hlinka. The commencement was held on June 7 at Stabler Arena in Bethlehem. The scholarships have been given for many years as a memorial to Bath Lion Willard “Chickie” Haidle.

This coming Saturday, June 14, the club will have a pancake breakfast fund-raiser at Applebee’s, 3702 Easton-Nazareth Hwy. from 8 to 10 a.m. The Applebee’s staff will prepare the breakfast and the Bath Lions will serve it. Tickets are available from the Lions or at the door for adults, $7.00 and children under 12, $4.00. Troop 33 Boy Scouts will also be selling American flags at the breakfast.

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On August 20, the Bath Lions will make a visitation to the West Penn Township Lions in Schuylkill County.

At their last meeting, Robert Schardt of the Phoenix Midtown Lions Club in Arizona was welcomed as a guest.

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President Jack Metcalf noted that on their recent Adopt-a-Highway litter drive, 12 bags of trash were picked up by 11 Lions and members of Troop 33 along Rt. 512.

Two bingo events the Bath Lions will have this summer will be on July 9 to 12 at the Northampton Community Fair, and August 13 to 16 at the Muhlenberg Hospital Festival in Bethlehem.


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