
The Home News

They didn’t go “quack, quack,” but they did waddle as dozens of plastic ducks splashed into the slow-moving waters of the Monocacy Creek early Friday evening to wend their way between two bridges. The fifth annual Great Bath Duck Race was held to benefit the Bath Farmers Market on a bright, sunny day in Bath. Many of those who witnessed the swim came from the farmers market after purchasing fresh vegetables and fruit, and listening to some music. The crowd followed the ducks from their entry point to the finish line just under the bridge on Main St.

Jennifer George, a Bath Councilwoman and a member of the Bath Business & Community Partnership, signed people up at Monocacy Park, as they purchased a number they hoped would be a winning duck. There were thirteen prizes that were donated by the local businesses, individuals, and the BBCP. They included the following: First prize of $250, given by BBCP, was won by Susan Trach, 2nd prize, a $20 gift card from the Daily Grind, went to Buddie Sarvaugh 3rd prize, a $25 gift certificate from My Place Restaurant, was won by Betty Fields, 4th prize of a Back to School Basket donated by ESSA Bank went to Craig Malaney, 5th and 6th prizes of $10 gift certificates, both donated by the Red Wolf Bar & Grille, were won by Tracie Klinger and Judi Mast, 7th prize, a $20 gift certificate by S. Seem Antiques, was won by Carol Filchner, 8th prize, “Bath and Its Neighbors” book penned by Carol Bear-Heckman, was won by Clare Papay, 9th prize, a $25 Visa gift card from Gilroy Chiropractic, went to Cyndy Ratcliffe, 10th prize, another $25 Visa gift card from Bath Borough Manager Tom Petrucci, was won by Mike Beers, 11th prize, a $20 Ahart’s Market gift certificate, was won by Vicki Grube and the final prize of a one-year subscription to Lehigh Valley Style/The Home News, will be enjoyed by Monica McCandless.



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