carol ritter

by Carol Ritter

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I’ve discovered something about my line of work: I am in the people business. I love working with people, but sometimes we make poor decisions and get in our own way on the path to success.

Years ago I had a client who complained about cash flow, lack of sales and all of her problem clients. Should someone like this even be in business? All of those complaints scream that it is time to take action and change.

The best gift a businessperson can get for Christmas is more customers. But, sometimes what they need to get is a mirror, so they can examine if they might be what is hindering more cash flow and sales.

Here are nine reasons why businesses struggle:

  1. The owner takes advice from the wrong people.
  2. The owner makes emotional decisions rather than thoughtful, logical ones.
  3. They owner doesn’t lead. They don’t train or set an example for their staff.
  4. The owner doesn’t answer the phone when it rings.
  5. The owner doesn’t look for employees with skills to compliment his or her own skillset. 
  6. The owner doesn’t communicate routinely with his or her staff. 
  7. The owner would rather complain than solve problems.
  8. The owner doesn’t appreciate the staff – the most important part of a business.
  9. The owner doesn’t spend money on people who can design growth strategies and marketing solutions.

The common thread here is change. Change can be hard for some, but it is necessary and inevitable. If you plan on being successful, embrace change. As Ben Franklin said, “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”

Carol S. Ritter, past President of the National Speakers Association in Philadelphia, is an accomplished professional speaker, coach and educational consultant specializing in innovative leadership, outrageous fundraising, million-dollar marketing and building organizational alliances throughout the country. FMI on Carol’s creative leadership with bulletproof ideas for recruiting more members, more money and better leaders:, 610-442-4545,, “Like” Carol on Facebook at Caroltalks and CarolCoaches.


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