Gab Over the Fence by Pete G. Ossip

There was no snow around here on Friday, just down in Philly and at the shore. There’s supposed to be another bit of snow this Tuesday, and maybe again on Thursday or Friday, but not that much. Anyhow, that groundhog, Punxatawney Phil, predicted an early spring ‘cause he didn’t see his shadow. I don’t know about that. The sun was shining here, so there are plenty of shadows. Oh well, we’ll take it. . . . All sorts of things going on this weekend with the Valentine’s Day holiday – dinner/dances, meat raffles, a Greek dinner, and even a pork and sauerkraut supper (wasn’t that for New Year’s Day?). Even a manicure/pedicure special. For our gals, there’s nothing too good, so enjoy, everybody! . . . .Then there’s this note I got the other day, which if it’s true is something else.  Goes like this: “Some time ago, I was cooking some corn and stuck my fork in the boiling water to see if the corn was ready. I missed and my hand went into the boiling water! A friend of mine, who was a Vietnam vet, came into the house, as I was screaming, and asked me if I had some plain old flour….I pulled out a bag and he stuck my hand in it. He told me to keep my hand in the flour for 10 minutes. He said, in Vietnam, there was a guy on fire and in their panic, they threw a bag of flour on him to put the fire out.  Well, it not only put the fire out, but he never even had a blister!! …Long story short, I put my hand in the bag of flour for 10 minutes, pulled it out and didn’t even have a red mark or a blister and absolutely no pain! Now, I keep a bag of flour in the fridge and every time I burn myself, (cold flour feels even better than room temperature flour), I use the flour and have never ever had even a red spot/burn mark, or a blister!  I even burnt my tongue once, put the flour on it for about 10 minutes. The pain was gone and no burn. Try it – Experience a miracle!  Keep a bag of flour in your fridge and you will be happy you did!  Flour has heat absorbent property and also has a strong antioxidant property, thus it helps in burn patients if applied within 15 minutes. All I can say is, don’t burn yourself to find out if this works. But maybe Elmira oughta have an extra bag of flour in the kitchen, just in case.  Usually, flour is a good ingredient for making cakes, pies, pastry, and even gravy. Now there’s another use.  Hmm-m-m.  Better check with your doctor, see what he or she says about it. . . .I was happy to see that the Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl, especially if Peyton Manning is gonna retire. He hasn’t made up his mind yet, but there’s nothing wrong with leaving when you’re on top. . . . Girl Scouts are still selling cookies down at Ahart’s on weekends. Better get ’em while they’re hot. My supply is almost gone. . . . Again, congrats to the Northampton High School band for winning a tournament championship. Just so you know, the gals in the front page picture and with Mayor Fi were drum majors Melissa Reph and Olivia Sattely. . . .Make sure you have a good toothbrush. Beth Arcury will check on you. She’s the tooth fairy’s helper. . . .Happy Valentine’s Day, gals!

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