gab over the fence

Was that the onion snow we had on Thursday night into Friday morning?  I think so, just the right kind to end winter, a coating of white on our grass.  Spring won’t be here officially until March 20, but I think winter has had it. . . . Harvey Haupt dug up a clipping from the old Bath News about folks in town  that you might find interesting, especially if you’re a native old-timer. Three stories were listed, one about the Christ Reformed Ladies Aid Society having a picnic on July 1 with the Bath Band furnishing music.  And then there was the Bath Tigers baseball club also having a picnic at the Bushkill Center grove. Music was by the Jolly Blue Mountaineers, featuring Yodeling Sam, radio stars of station WCBA in Allentown, all singing and playing cowboy and German pieces. They had bingo, cakewalks and refreshments. The final story was about graduating exercises for 27 young boys and girls of Wolf Junior High, held in the Firemen’s Auditorium. Now, see how many of the names you recognize: Beatrice Bartholomew, Arlene Benninger, Doris Diehl, Anna Brandl, Marie Fatzinger, William Florey, Luther Frack, Thomas Frederickson, Lee Frey, William Guinther, Kenneth Haidle, Irene Haupt, Mildred Haupt, Howard Jones, Albert Kemmerer, Leonard Kolb, Alice Lerch, A. O. Shiffer, Jr., Mary Shiffer, Elizabeth Shingler, Donald Silfies, Grace Smith, Harold Stocker, Dorothy Wagner, and Alverta Young.  I remember a few, which tells you how old I am.  Those were the good old days. . . .  Folks love to eat out these days. The Lutheran church was jammed with people on Friday for their fish supper and the Town & Country was so crowded they were standing in line with all seats full Saturday morning. I reckon it’s that we love to eat, no matter where or when. . . . With the weather turning warmer, people are seeing the green blades of flowers popping out of the ground, and soon buds on trees. I heard a lady the other day saw a flock of robins digging into the dirt trying to find some worms. . . .Congrats to Gordon Bartholomew, Larry Newhard, Tommy Hahn, Bobby Werner, and Len Altemose, who are 50-year members of the local Masonic lodge. . . .Heard someone opine (that’s a Bill O’Reilly word) the other day that it’s a shame our kids live all over the country and not close by anymore.  Reckon it’s that they’ve been at college and just have more of a chance to advance themselves these days.  Reckon we just hafta deal with it, and book more airline flights back and forth. . . .Good to see Betty Fields getting around again after her long health ordeal. . . .Don’t forget to turn your watch and clock dials AHEAD one hour when you hit the sack Saturday night.  Course if you have one of these new-fangled digital alarm clocks it might just do it automatically. Anyhow, Daylight Saving Time starts at 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning. We’ll lose an hour of sleep, but gain some more sunlight in the evening, so that’s a good trade off.

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