At their Thursday, November 16 meeting, the Northampton Borough Council once again tabled their decision on the preliminary plan of the Willow Brook Farm Trust Development.

The move follows the council’s November 2 decision to table conditional approval for eleven single family homes proposed on the Fuller-family-owned property. One of the conditions imposed on the plan was that the Willow Brook Farm Trust post an escrow for a traffic light at Howertown Road and Fourth Street. Council tabled their decision to allow for the discussion of alternatives.

Lawyers for the trust, trust consultant Robert Dwyer, and borough solicitor Steven Goudsouzian met in the interim and composed a list of options the council can impose in lieu of a nearly $250,000 escrow, which the trust currently cannot afford. Council will contemplate those options and return with a decision at their December meeting.

“I understand it requires a bit of thought,” said Dwyer, “but [we are] anxious to keep this moving.”

In addition to discussion on Willow Brook Farms, the council discussed traffic in the borough. Previously, Councilman Kenneth Hall suggested that traffic studies be conducted on various borough streets.

“Perhaps it would be to our advantage,” said borough manager LeRoy Brobst. “[To] limit speed, the direction of travel, [and] the number of vehicles.”

However, council believes an ad hoc traffic committee should be implemented instead of a traffic study, which some members of council believe will lead to higher expenses.

“I have seen so many traffic studies I thought were bogus,” said Councilman Ed Pany.

Pany suggested forming a committee with Police Chief Bryan Kadingo, Councilman Hall, Mayor Thomas Reenock, and other members of council. Goudsouzian says a committee would be fine, but recommended that council still pay for expert traffic studies after the committee collects its findings.

Finally, council also discussed their upcoming rental property ordinance, a draft of which was provided to council members at the meeting. Council plans to discuss it in more detail at their December meeting in order to keep it moving.

“This ordinance…is really needed,” said Councilwoman Judy Kutzler.

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  • The Northampton Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on Sunday, November 26 at 5:30 p.m. A very special holiday guest will also make an appearance.
  • The Northampton Fire Department will be accepting gifts for its annual Santa Run. Gifts will be collected at the department from December 6 through December 8 from 6 to 9 p.m.
  • The Northampton Fire Department’s Rock-N-Bowl will be held on Friday, December 15 from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. at Hampton Lanes. The cost will be $15 and will benefit the fire department.


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