Spring is in the air and with the warm weather comes several exciting events to the Borough of Bath and its neighboring municipalities. 

The first will be an opening day celebration for the Bath-Allen Youth Club’s baseball team. Eric Miller, president of the club, was present at the Borough of Bath Council’s April 5 meeting to promote the event, talk about the club’s third season, and gift each member of council a custom gaiter. 

The club missed its second season due to COVID but has since expanded to 98 children across eight different teams. 

“We are having a successful start to our season,” Miller said. 

Regular-season games will start at the end of April, though the schedule is not finalized. An opening day celebration will be held on Saturday, May 8 at Howertown Park. Residents are invited to attend, where they can watch some games, take photos of the team, and try their luck at different basket raffles. 

During the meeting, Miller also received a surprise donation of $500 from Mayor Fiorella Mirabito’s Mayor’s Fund. This money is raised through donations given during marriage ceremonies that the mayor conducts. 

“You have done an amazing job resurrecting this program for children,” said Mayor Mirabito. “I’m very happy that you stepped up to the plate.”

“It’s gonna go a long way with us,” Miller said, accepting the donation. “[It will help] provide the nicer [equipment] for the kids…[COVID] has really hit most of them the hardest.”

Another event residents of the borough can look forward to is a Monocacy Creek Cleanup on Saturday, May 15, from 9 a.m. until noon at Keystone Park. The cleanup is held by the Monocacy Creek Watershed Association. Councilman Frank Hesch has partnered with the association and become a liaison for the borough. He hopes the cleanup can be held twice per year. 

Later this spring and summer, yoga in the park will also make a return to Ciff Cowling Field. Yoga will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6 until 7 p.m. and Saturday mornings from 8:30 until 9:30 a.m. Anyone who wishes to attend does not have to pre-register. They can simply drop by with their yoga mat. A small drop-in fee will be collected at the sessions. 

Finally, on June 12, an electronic recycling event will be held at the borough’s municipal building. The event will also be open to residents of Chapman and East Allen Township. 

In other news, some aesthetic improvements are also being made to the borough. The borough’s welcome sign on Route 329 will be moved to a more appropriate and visible spot. Meanwhile, universal blue and white parking signs will be installed throughout the borough that will direct visitors to public parking lots. Finally, new historic district signs are being erected throughout the historic district. The artwork on the signs was created by Councilwoman Carol Bear-Heckman and pulls from the district’s unique architectural features.


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