The Nazareth Borough Council met on Monday, August 2 at 6 p.m. to discuss upcoming events and new ordinance amendments. 

First, council approved three requests from the Nazareth Area Chamber of Commerce to hold three events in the upcoming months. 

The first was for the Nazareth Fall Festival, which will be held on Saturday, October 16 between 2 and 6 p.m. The event will be held between the Main Street parking lot and the intersection of South Main and East Belvidere Streets. 

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The following two events will not occur until December. The tree lighting ceremony will be held on Friday, December 10 at 6 p.m., and Christmas in Nazareth will be held on Saturday, December 11 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Both of these events will be held in the Circle. 

An electronics recycling event will be held on October 12 between 3 and 6 p.m. in the Nazareth Park on Broad Street, according to councilman Charles Donello. The event is for borough residents only. A list of items that can be recycled free of charge, as well as those that have a required fee can be found under the trash/recycling section of the borough’s website. 

Also, the Nazareth Police Department hosted the borough’s first National Night Out, which gives first responders and the community an opportunity to interact. The event took place on August 3 between 6 to 9 p.m. Hot dogs and drinks were provided; demonstrations and different emergency response vehicles were also on site at the borough park. 

In other business, council discussed amendments to two ordinances. 

Ordinance 864 amends Chapter 15, Section 408, which currently reads “…on all streets where angle parking is required, every vehicle parked at the angle shall be parked with its front nearest the curb.” Angle parking is required in Center Square and on the north side of East Prospect Street between South Spruce and South Broad Streets; the latter is only required on Sundays from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

The proposed change to the ordinance is that cars would be required to back into the angled parking spots, because pulling in has people driving against the grain of traffic. However, two parking spaces in the southeast corner of Center Square will be exempt from the ordinance change. 

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This change was advertised at council’s July meeting, and approved at their August meeting. Council also approved a motion to advertise for an amendment to Chapter 15, Section 205, which would remove the one-way designation of Bacon Street.  

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Finally, borough secretary Paul Kokolus discussed the newly enacted Act 65. The act was signed by Governor Tom Wolf on June 30 and creates new agenda requirements for governmental entities across the state of Pennsylvania. This means the agenda will have to be posted on the doors of council chamber and on the borough’s website at least 24 hours in advance; paper copies of the agenda are also required to be available to meeting attendees, which the borough already does.  

Nazareth Borough Council will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, September 7 at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers on West Center Street. 


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