The Moore Township Board of Supervisors conducted their monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 1 at 6 p.m. in the municipal building. 

The board approved the purchase of a skid loader and a broom in the amount of $89,741.13.  Street sweeping will occur in the township April 4 to the 8th and will continue April 25 through the 29th. Street sweeping will be done in developments and main intersections as usual. 

The supervisors discussed the Nazareth COG (Council of Governments) report. Zoning Officer Jason Harhart gave an update on the comprehensive plan being developed by the COG, reporting that it is almost complete. The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission will have a joint meeting with both the planning commission and the board of supervisors to go over the comprehensive plan. 

In recreation news, the board approved field treatments from BetterScapes. They will be treating the playing surfaces of the recreation center through four treatments over the course of the year. The treatments will include fertilizers, weed and insect controls, and grub controls. 

The township is currently seeking seasonal employment. Two summer employees are needed to work at the recreation center for an expected 20-30 hours a week, however hours will vary depending on weather and needs. Interested candidates may contact Township Manager Nick Steiner Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. by calling 610-759-9449 ext. 2. 

The Land and Environmental Protection Board is planning to have a newsletter released by summer or fall. The board is looking into hosting an electronics recycling event. At this time they are unsure if the event would be open to township residents only or if it would be open to the entire county as it would be sponsored and paid for by the County of Northampton. 

Supervisors also discussed the Chapman Borough Zoning Officer Agreement. A potential proposal with Chapman Borough would allow them to use Moore Township’s zoning officer if they pass the zoning ordinance. Steiner will be working with Chapman Borough representatives and Zoning Officer Jason Harhart on this.  

Township Engineer Kevin Horvath then discussed the Schiavone Farm Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP). Horvath is proposing some improvements to the property related to the roadside ditch in an attempt to capture water coming off the property and filter it to the culverts. 

Next on the agenda was the ongoing discussion of Pool Road. Traffic continues to illegally turn onto Pool Road and due to a number of issues, the township is limited on increasing signage. The township is submitting a proposal for this issue, they are submitting an exhibit of the signage to PennDOT for approval. If approved, the township would be able to increase signage and signs would also be larger. 

Township Manager Nick Steiner will soon be reaching out to a few residents concerning their detention basins that need to improve for the MS4 permit. Steiner will be sending out letters to those residents later this month. 

Supervisors continue to work with the township engineer to put together a road plan. The hope is to have a workshop in April to discuss which roads to prioritize to work on this year and also what the plan is moving forward. 

Next was a continued discussion on agritainment and agritourism zoning laws. Township Solicitor David Backenstoe provided sample ordinances from other neighboring townships including Plainfield, North Whitehall and Upper Macungie. The board decided to table this and narrow down what they’d like to do first before sending anything to the planning commission. 

The topic of biosolids was added to the agenda to have a general conversation about them and their use in the state. Steiner, Horvath and Backenstoe will be looking deeper into the issue of biosolids to see if there is anything they can do to address them in the township. Biosolids can be human waste that is treated, typically called sludge, and then used on agricultural properties. Pennsylvania allows the use of biosolids which leads to limited to no ability of the township to restrict the use of them. If a property would like to use biosolids, they’d have to apply for a permit to the state. The township would like to be able to provide comment, should a permit to use biosolids in the township come before them.

The board approved the usage of Positive Pay, a service Embassy Bank offers. This service costs $50 per month for all accounts for municipalities and helps detect suspicious transactions and reduces the risk of financial loss. 

The state of the township’s municipal building was then discussed. Steiner asked the board if he could look into whether or not the American Rescue Plan funds can be used towards getting the process started for a major renovation or possibly a new building. Other programs will be looked into as well and Steiner will gather information as to whether or not funds can be used on the building repairs. 

A few resolutions and ordinances were discussed, such as Resolution 2022-9 which places a property on Longley Road into agricultural security.  

Resolution 2022-10 grants the application for a paver and trailer. The township is applying jointly with East Allen Township to acquire a paver and trailer through the LSA statewide program. The township will be applying on behalf of both townships. Both townships would share the paver and its maintenance. The cost for the paver and trailer, $290,000, would be split with East Allen Township. The reimbursement would also be split. The board is drafting a memorandum of understanding in regards to shared maintenance and repair with East Allen Township. 

Ordinance 2022-2 amends the community days ordinance, making a board of supervisor member a liaison instead of a full member of the community days committee.

The township has received a Repository Sale Bid from the county. The property the board voted on back in 2021 received another bid in the interim. They have approved the $500 bid for the property known as G5SE3 10 1 0520C Chestnut Street.

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Finally, truck restrictions on Allen Drive were discussed. Loud dump trucks have been driving on Seemsville Road/Allen Drive seven days a week, starting as early as 3 a.m., hauling material to a power generation plant in Northampton. The trucks began taking this route after a weight restriction was placed on a bridge on a previous route. The board approved asking PennDOT to conduct a study to see if there are any restrictions that can be placed on Allen Drive. 

The next Moore Township Board of Supervisors meeting will be Tuesday, April 5 at 6 p.m. 


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