The Moore Township Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, August 2 to discuss subdivision approvals and denials, pickleball courts, and project bids for township culverts.

First, supervisors voted to deny the major subdivision from Nico DelSerro due to inactivity. They were granted an extension through August at a prior meeting and were notified by the township but failed to submit any updated documentation. 

The supervisors then discussed the minor subdivision submitted by Samuel Firmstone, which proposes the subdivision of a small portion of the land. Firmstone requested waivers for the smaller lot because the required features and contours are present on the larger parcel of property. The motion was approved by the board unanimously. 

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A motion to accept a conditional extension of time through December 31 for the Ashwood Construction major subdivision was also granted unanimously.

In other news, Moore Township Planning Commission member David Frey submitted a letter of resignation effective August 1 due to a conflict in his schedule right now. The board regretfully accepted Frey’s resignation.

Officer Thomas Roberts of the Moore Township Police Department gave their July report. There were a total of 312 incidents, which included: 10 warning notices written during traffic stops, 25 traffic citations issued, three arrests; one for possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia, DUI due to controlled substance ingestion, reckless driving, and driving under suspension DUI related, the second for terroristic threats, simple assault and harassment, and the third was for terroristic threats, reckless endangering, criminal mischief, harassment, and dangerous burning. There were also two non-traffic citations issued for violation of the Moore Township Burning Ordinance, eight reportable crashes, and two non-reportable crashes.

Officer Roberts also read the resignation letter from part-time officer Jaron Steinmetz, who accepted a job with the Hellertown Borough Police Department on July 25. The board accepted Steinmetz’ resignation unanimously, thanked him for his duty, and wished him luck in his next endeavor.

For the month of June, the Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company reported a total of 37 fire calls and 51 ambulance calls. The 37 fire calls consisted of: five fires, four motor vehicle accidents, one motor vehicle accident with MEDEVAC, one fire police call, two automatic fire alarms, nine ambulance assists, seven mutual aid calls consisting of four fire alarms, one motor vehicle accident, one fire, and one carbon monoxide call for Bath, as well as two dwelling fires and one fire police call for Lehigh Township mutual aid. Additionally, there was one call for trees down, six calls for wires down, and one call for a search.

During the last month, Moore Township Public Works reported they have replaced three pipes within the township and are consistently working on paving roads.

In other news, the Recreation Commission is looking to possibly add two pickleball courts, to either one of the existing tennis courts, one of the basketball courts, or at one end of the parking lot. More information will follow. 

The Historical Commission will have their annual Oktoberfest event on Thursday, October 13 at Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church at 696 Johnson Rd., Nazareth. The doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and the meal will be served at 5:30 p.m. Tickets with be $10 for individuals aged seven through 12, and $20 for individuals 13 and older, with raffles and gift cards.

Next, the board discussed the Bartholomew appraisal from the Land and Environmental Protection Board, which is slightly over 63 acres. The appraisal came in at $4,200 per acre. The total cost of the easement to the township to preserve the land was appraised at $252,831. Robert Romano stated this is a good appraisal amount and is around the cost of what the board had anticipated. Romano also stated the property is a combination of farmland, woodland, and wetland with lots of road frontage. A motion to move forward and approve the appraisal was granted unanimously. The Land and Environmental Protection Board will also be hosting an open space open house in September for any residents that are interested in learning about preserving their land.

Following, Horvath stated the Schiavone Farm Sediment Erosion Project is moving along smoothly after a brief hiccup when a storm damaged the hydroseed. The damage has been repaired and they will continue to monitor the area and make sure the seed stays hydrated.

The township received three bids for the culverts on Church Road and East Walker Road. The board decided to move forward and accept the bid from Professional Construction Contractors Inc. with a combined bid of $341,372.44. The bids were 10 to 15% more than the township’s estimate, but the contractor expressed they have access to the pipe needed for East Walker Road in short order and could complete both projects by the end of the year. Ultimately, the board decided to move forward with the contractor’s bid and complete both culverts while pushing back the MS4 projects to next year. The contractor will begin with the culvert on East Walker Road and then immediately follow up with the culvert on Church Road.

The board unanimously approved the SALDO revisions related to the road specs, electronic communication, and electronic submission. Next Attorney Backenstoe will make a draft of the amendments to the SALDO.

Next, supervisors unanimously approved Resolution 2022-13: Adoption of Nazareth Area Comprehensive Plan after the April 25 presentation at the Moore Township Planning Commission, which includes 10 municipalities and has been in the works for four years. 

The board also unanimously approved Ordinance 2022-3: Delinquent Real Estate Collection Amendment, which will affect residents with delinquent real estate taxes.

In other business, the board did not receive any new bids for the sale of Schiavone Farm. Attorney Backenstoe related that the supervisors have options under the Private Sale Act where bidders could rebid, the township could choose to auction the property with a set minimum bid, or they could procure a realtor for private bid. The supervisors also discussed leasing the land through the end of March. The discussion was tabled for Vice Chairman David Shaffer to collect more information on possible options.

Last, a resident of Grouse Road addressed the board regarding several vehicle crashes into her property from speeding. Homeowner Andrea Mathis expressed that there were three very serious accidents directly on her property, one of which resulted in the fatality of the driver. Mathis stated that speeding drivers go airborne over the hill and crash into her property, which has totaled two of her own vehicles that were parked in her driveway. Mathis said she fears for her life and her family members’ lives. Mathis asked the supervisors what could be done in this situation, but unfortunately, it is a PennDOT, so the township has no control over regulations on that road. 

Mathis and Public Works Director Craig Hoffman reached out to PennDOT, however PennDOT deflected and suggested the Moore Township Police Department patrol the area more. Attorney Backenstoe suggested compiling information regarding the accidents and going to the State Representative. One suggestion was placing large decorative boulders on the front of her property to stop vehicles from crashing into her home, but she would have to talk with her insurance about this for liability purposes. Township Manager Nicholas Steiner and Engineer Horvath plan to go to the location to come up with possible solutions they could take to PennDOT. Officer Roberts also identified that all crash reports go directly to PennDOT, so they are being notified, especially when there are fatalities. Mathis stated she hopes they can come up with a solution collectively.

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The Moore Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold the next part of the Water’s Edge at Wind Gap appeal on Wednesday, August 17 at 6 p.m. at Moore Elementary School, where Attorney Backenstoe will continue with the prosecution and comments from the board and public will also be heard. 

The next Moore Township Board of Supervisors meeting will be held Tuesday, September 6 at 6 p.m. in the municipal building, located at 2491 Community Dr. 


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