During their October 3 meeting, the Bath Borough Council approved its 2023 budget for advertisement. The budget estimates roughly $2.6 million in expenditures and includes a General-Purpose mills increase from 13.50 to 15.20. The debt service millage of 1.25 and the fire tax rate of 0.50 mills will remain the same, bringing the total millage for 2023 to 16.95 mills.
This is the first General-Purpose millage increase since 2016. Last year’s fire tax increase was the first tax increase of any kind the borough had implemented in six years.
In an online memo to residents, the borough administration explained that the borough has seen cost increases of up to 30% due to the current economic conditions. Trash collection alone has gone up between 20-30%. The borough also has a $480,000 commitment required for storm sewer facility improvements over the next five years to maintain compliance with the DEP/EPA Pollution Reduction Plan.
Council approved this budget for public advertisement.