The Nazareth Borough Council met Monday, January 2 with a busy agenda that welcomed new members of various boards and committees, as well as the appointment of three new fire chiefs, five new fire police, and a new councilman to replace the late councilman, Larry Stoudt who passed away on December 19 following a short illness.
First, Mayor Lance E. Colondo swore in Gerald Johnson as Fire Chief, Joseph Ianovale Jr. as First Assistant, and Mark Morella as Second Assistant.
Mayor Colondo also swore in the newly appointed Fire Police members including William Kiefer Jr. as Captain, John Gostony as Fire Policeman, Kerry Frey as Fire Policeman, Raymond Fogel as Fire Policeman, Angela Barnes as Fire Policewoman, and Tyler Kiefer as Fire Policeman.

A moment of silence was then observed for the late councilman Larry Stoudt. Council President Daniel R. Chiavaroli shared fond memories of Stoudt, recalling that he knew Stoudt since he became a councilman in 1983 and that Stoudt had always been a “straight shooter.”
Councilman Carl R. Strye Jr. expressed that Stoudt’s wisdom and knowledge of the borough was “second to none” and that Stoudt was the backbone of the Nazareth community.
Councilman Carl A. Fischl shared that Stoudt’s heart was always in Nazareth.
Next, council unanimously approved the following motions under finance: the yearly resolution prohibiting member contributions to the Police Pension Plan; the hiring of Campbell, Rappold & Jurasits to do the annual borough audit for 2022 and submit it to the Pennsylvania DCED by March 31; naming Alfred Pierce as the borough’s 2023 delegate to the Northampton County Tax Collection Commission and Paul Kokolus as the alternate delegate; the refunds of two $100 deposits to the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce following their Christmas in Nazareth event and their annual tree lighting ceremony upon successful cleanup; and the hiring of Trish Rogers as the borough’s new assistant part-time clerk.

Council then approved Jeffrey A. Corpora as councilperson, second ward to serve the balance of the expired term of the late councilman Larry Stoudt through Dec. 31, 2023. The vote was a split six to two decision, with Councilman Michael J. Kopach and Councilman Charles A. Donello voting no.
In other news, under fire, Carl R. Strye Jr. was appointed to a five-year term on the Ambulance Board, Robert Stoudt was appointed to serve the balance of the five-year term of the late Larry Stoudt on the Ambulance Board, which ends on Dec. 31, 2026, and Mark Morella was appointed to a one-year term as the borough’s Emergency Management Director.
Councilwoman Laureen Pellegrino presented the Vigilance Hose Fire Co. report for both November and December. In November, the fire department responded to 22 service calls for four fire alarms, one wire problem, three motor vehicle accidents, two EMS assists, one dwelling fire, one vehicle fire, one odor investigation, one traffic control, and eight mutual aid calls for three dwelling fires, four motor vehicle accidents, and one high occupancy fire. In December, the fire department responded to 20 service calls for four fire alarms, three motor vehicle accidents, three wire problems, one spill, one EMS assist, and eight mutual aid calls for two motor vehicle accidents, two odor investigations, two dwelling fires, one fire alarm, and one traffic control.
Under police, council unanimously approved motions to appoint Barbara Fischl to a six-year term on the borough’s Civil Service Commission and Leonard Fodera to a three-year term on the Library Board.
Next, under law, council unanimously approved the following motions: the appointment of Barbara Fischl to a four-year term on the borough’s Planning Commission; the appointment of Noah Nealon to a three-year term on the borough’s Zoning Hearing Board; the appointment of Gail Kromer to a one-year term on the borough’s Vacancy Board; the appointment of Sue Abt to a five-year term on the Nazareth Day Commission; to set times and dates for borough workshops and general business meetings during 2023, which will begin at 6 p.m. for all 12 months; and to direct the secretary-treasurer to send a notice to each resident with a handicapped parking space reminding them of their obligation to annually submit a renewal application on or before June 1 or they will lose their space, which also comes with a $10 application renewal fee.
Under environmental steering and lighting, council voted unanimously to approve the appointment of Andrea Martin to a five-year term on the Municipal Authority.
In other news, under technology, council voted unanimously to allocate all of the 2023 Economic Development budget funding of $25,000 to support the NEDC Downtown Program, which will be paid in two equal increments.
Last, Mayor Colondo provided the December police report. In December, there were a total of 298 police activities and calls for service, which included 28 crimes reported or investigated, 14 criminal arrests, one drug related crime, seven part 1 offenses, 72 traffic citations, 44 warnings issued, three reportable traffic accidents, and seven non-reportable traffic accidents. Additionally, there were 316 parking enforcement officer violations, 27 officer issued violations, and 343 total parking tickets issued for the month. In total, Nazareth collected $12,916.63 for fees, fines, permits, receipts, tickets and rentals during the month of December.
The next borough council meeting will be held on Monday, February 6 at 6 p.m. in Nazareth Council Chambers.