The Northampton Borough Council announced during their May 4 meeting that they are still accepting applications for a vacant council seat representing the 4th Ward, left empty after former Councilwoman Sandra Sayuk resigned in April. Sayuk replaced former Councilman Anthony Lopsonzski, Jr. after he moved out of the borough.

Borough Manager LeRoy Brobst said he has received only one application for the vacancy. The borough is accepting applications through 4 p.m. on May 12. The applicant must have resided at the same address in the 4th Ward for at least the last full year. Applications can be picked up at the borough offices. 

In other news, council hired part-time summer employees to assist with public works and the municipal pool. Brobst said there are more than enough lifeguards to staff the pool this season. There is a shortage of cashiers/bath-house attendees, but Brobst believes several lifeguard hires will be interested in covering both positions.

Whether or not the borough could find enough lifeguards to staff the pool this summer has been a concern among several members of council, especially since neighboring municipalities closed their pools last year due to lifeguard shortages.

“I am pleasantly surprised to see how many lifeguards we have,” said Councilman Trevor Stone.

“That is a great number,” Councilwoman Judy Haldeman echoed.

Several other announcements were made during the May 4 meeting. It was announced that Brosky Insurance has helped the borough find more affordable flood insurance for its pump station, saving the borough an additional $1,500. It was also announced that the borough’s police department acquired two Chevy Tahoe SUVs, one to replace a police vehicle totaled in an accident. Finally, poor weather has delayed efforts to paint the municipal pool. This work is still scheduled to be completed as the weather allows.

Several upcoming events are also scheduled for the borough. The Joint Veterans Committee will hold its annual Memorial Day service at 11 a.m. on May 29 at Veterans Plaza at 14th Street and Washington Avenue.

The borough’s farmers’ market also started on Tuesday, May 9. The market will be held every Tuesday from 3 to 6:30 p.m. at Municipal Park.

“Please attend and support our farmers’ market,” Councilman Ronald Glassic asked residents. “Hopefully, we can keep on growing it.”

Finally, council took some time to thank the borough’s police department for holding its annual fishing derby. Several council members in attendance had children and grandchildren attend the event. 

“It was outstanding,” said Glassic.

Mayor Tony Pristash thanked the police department and the many officers who volunteered during the event on their day off. Pristash also praised the borough’s fire department for holding a mock oil spill training. 

Their dedication and efforts, he said, “should not go unnoticed.”

Councilman Anthony Lopsonzski, Sr. echoed these sentiments. From the road crew and police department to the fire department and ambulance corps, he said, all community members give their best.

The next borough council meeting will be Thursday, May 18 at 7 p.m. 


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