The Bath Borough Council met Monday, May 13 with a brief agenda.

The first order of business included council’s consideration of an alternative to the Zoom meeting livestream due to Zoom’s new protocols that have made connection difficult, which is why Zoom has not been working properly during council meetings as of late.

In response, council unanimously approved the switch from Zoom to uploading meeting audio files to the borough website during the days following each meeting.

During borough administrative reports, Borough Engineer Ronald Madison shared that Colliers Engineering & Design is hoping to get UGI to move their utility relocation for the PennDOT Route 248 project, which will require an easement at Monocacy Park.

Madison also noted that all of the easement documents have been sent to Northampton Area School District for the MS4 raingarden on a detention basin on their property.

Borough Manager Bradford T. Flynn noted that upcoming Public Works Department projects will include fixing potholes with the water authority where a few water mains have been fixed, as well as several striping and curb painting projects throughout specified areas of the borough.

Next, President Frank Hesch announced that the American Legion will be hosting their annual Memorial Day Observance on Sunday, May 26 at 1 p.m., which is open to public attendance. The ceremony will be held on the front lawn of the Eckley E. Patch Post 470 American Legion, located at 278 Race St.

During new business, Borough Solicitor James F. Kratz brought up the recent language that Michael Long used in email communication to the borough manager and himself on May 6 that he deemed inappropriate and requested that Long be respectful and professional when sending emails to borough staff.

In other news, council unanimously approved three motions, which included the following: adoption of the Information Security & Procedures Version 1.0 dated April 5, 2024 for the maintenance of personal and customer information; authorization to transfer $500,000 in funds from the tax account into the borough’s general fund to pay borough expenses as required; and authorization for the borough manager to execute an agreement with Colliers Engineering & Design dated May 9, 2024 for engineering work related to the Old Forge Drive street light upgrade project.

Following, an executive session for personnel matters and three appeals regarding Long’s right-to-know requests was held. No motions were made after the session.

The next Bath Borough Council regular monthly meeting will be held on Monday, June 10 at 6 p.m., and the next bi-monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 12 at 6 p.m. in Borough Hall, located at 121 S. Walnut St.