On Saturday, July 20, a fundraising event was held in honor of Janna Keiser at Nazareth Strength and Fitness, benefitting local nonprofit Pink Heals Lehigh Valley Chapter.

Just three years ago, the Keiser family lost their wife and mother, Janna, to a long and courageous battle with sarcoma cancer on July 21, 2021.

Not only was Janna well known and admired in the fitness community, she also owned and operated Nazareth Barbell Health & Fitness for 10 years, helped numerous individuals attain their health and fitness goals as a personal trainer throughout the years and competed in bodybuilding contests.

Janna’s kindness and infectious smile live on in the hearts of everyone that knew her.

Janna’s husband Tom, sons Collin and Jagar, and mother Susan Metz knew they wanted to do something special to honor her memory, but grief prevented them from setting anything in motion until this year.

“We’re here for something that’s greater than all of us. We’re trying to carry on my mom’s legacy. The event is all about getting our fitness community together, having fun, remembering and celebrating the life of someone who graciously gave to others. Fitness was my mom’s passion, so it’s fitting to have an event of this style,” Collin expressed.

When Janna’s health took a turn for the worse in 2020, Kris and Kerianne Hicks purchased Nazareth Barbell’s gym equipment from the Keisers, which they used to set up Nazareth Strength and Fitness.

Alongside the Hicks’ other gym, Iron Core Athlete in Bangor, which is in its twelfth year of business, Nazareth Strength and Fitness has now been open for four years.

Creating a family atmosphere has been very important to them and members seem to really enjoy the friendships and bonds they have made during their time at the gym.

Additionally, Kris shares that he and his wife have become like family with the Keisers, who now work out and help at the gym. So, when Tom reached out that they were ready to hold the memorial event in honor of Janna, they didn’t waste any time in setting everything up.

“This is really just to pay homage to [Janna] and let her legacy live on,” said Kerianne.

Erin Rafanello Ferguson, a manager and a trainer at Nazareth Strength and Fitness, coordinated the event, along with help from Kerianne and several other women from the gym, which was no small task considering the size of the crowd turnout.

Throughout the day, the memorial fundraising event had something for everyone, including a bake sale, a bootcamp workout, bench and deadlift unofficial competitions, plank and tire flip challenges for adults and kids and community members donated approximately 82 baskets, items, tickets and gift cards for the tricky tray.

Additionally, Tom coordinated with Executive Director Bill Andress from Pink Heals Lehigh Valley to help collect the funds raised and donate them to a local Nazareth family in need that has been affected by a life-threatening cancer diagnosis.

Tiffani Tita was diagnosed with breast cancer and has been in remission for a year, but recently, her husband Roger was diagnosed with cancer as well; however, Roger’s cancer is terminal. With two young children, times have been and unfortunately, will only continue, to get harder for the family.

After hearing their story, the Keisers decided to donate all proceeds to the Tita family through Pink Heals Lehigh Valley.

Founded in 2013, Pink Heals Lehigh Valley is one of approximately 50 chapters nationwide and is a 100% volunteer-based nonprofit organization that works to raise awareness of women’s health issues. Pink Heals aims to bring back the human element by celebrating people, not causes, and spreading love.

For the event, Pink Heals brought their iconic pink fire truck that is signed by and continues to be signed by those diagnosed with cancer, survivors and their families.

While in the process of creating a new brochure for Pink Heals Lehigh Valley, Andress recently sent various photos to the individual designing the brochure, who randomly happened to choose a photo of Janna signing the truck for the front of the brochure.

“She meant so much to my organization. The hair still stands up on the back of my neck and I get so emotional at times because of the impact we have,” said Andress.

Before the winners were picked for all of the tricky tray baskets, Collin offered some remarks about the event and his mother Janna.

“My mom was someone who was born and raised in the Nazareth area, and always tried to give back to that community. She was a friend, daughter, wife, mother, mentor, as well as a small business owner. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and battled the disease for many years. Throughout the highs and lows, she showed strength, determination and the indomitable human spirit. While suffering through treatments and procedures, she somehow still showed the courage to press on day after day and take care of others. She was someone who loved this community, her friends and family and the gym,” Collin shared.

The Keiser family hopes to make the Janna Keiser Classic Memorial Fundraiser an annual event to not only honor Janna so that her legacy may live on, but to also help benefit other local families affected by cancer diagnoses.

More information on Pink Heals Lehigh Valley can be found on their website: PinkHealsLV.org. Donations can be made on their website or through Venmo: @pinkhealslv.

Nazareth Strength and Fitness is open from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week at 410 Nazareth Pike in Lower Nazareth Township and offers a free trial class for new clients. Contact Kris Hicks at 610-762-7363 for more information.