During the Monday, Dec. 2 Northampton School Board meeting, Assistant Superintendent Michelle Schoeneberger provided a presentation on the district’s academic updates.
To begin, Schoeneberger provided the district’s demographic information while pointing out that the district has seen a rise in the percentage of special education students (now 19%), economically disadvantaged students (now 45.4%), ELL students (now 1.7%) and homeless students (now 1%).
Current demographics for enrollment percentages by race/ethnicity include Asian students accounting for 0.5% of the population, Black students accounting for 3.1% (a slight decrease from 3.2% the previous school year), Hispanic students accounting for 15.5% (a slight increase from 14.2%), White students accounting for 78.2% (a slight decrease from 79.3%), and students of two or more races accounting for 2.8%.
Next, Schoeneberger began providing an overview of district assessments.
With regard to the PSSAs, which include English language arts, mathematics and science in Grades 3-8, the 2024 PSSA achievement and PVAAS growth district results included the following: 53% of students scored proficient/advanced in ELA (same as state average); 42% scored proficient/advanced in mathematics, which is a 1% district increase from the previous school year (state average is 40%); and 70% scored proficient/advanced in science, which is a 6% decrease from the previous school year (state average is 66%).
For 2023-24, district strengths included an increase in ELA and math achievement, Grade 5 math growth and middle school ELA achievement and growth. Although not assessed, an increase in career mentorship opportunities at the high school is also helping to provide students with invaluable knowledge they will take with them as they graduate.
PSSA longitudinal data by grade level for ELA showed the following changes: Grade 3 scored 54% proficient, a 3% increase from the previous school year; Grade 4 scored 60% proficient, a 1% increase from the previous school year; Grade 5 scored 63% proficient, a 6% increase from the previous school year; Grade 6 scored 52% proficient, a 3% decrease from the previous school year; Grade 7 scored 51% proficient, an 8% increase from the previous school year; and Grade 8 scored 39% proficient, a 7% decrease from the previous school year.
PSSA longitudinal data by grade level for math showed the following changes in proficiency scores: Grade 3 scored 55% proficient, a 2% decrease from the previous school year; Grade 4 scored 58% proficient, a 5% decrease from the previous school year; Grade 5 scored 58% proficient, a 10% increase from the previous school year; Grade 6 scored 39% proficient, a 9% increase from the previous school year; Grade 7 scored 28% proficient, a 5% increase from the previous school year; and Grade 8 scored 18% proficient, a 5% decrease from the previous school year.
PSSA longitudinal data by grade level for science showed that Grade 4 scored 90% proficient, an increase of 1% to from the previous school year and Grade 8 scored 52% proficient, a 13% decrease from the previous school year;.
With regard to the fall 2024-25 DIBELS assessment, grades K-3 showed significant increases in students at or above the benchmark with 33% of students in kindergarten scoring at or above benchmark, 54% of students in Grade 1 scoring at or above benchmark (up from 36% the previous school year), 61% of students in Grade 2 scoring at or above benchmark (up from 53% the previous school year) and 61% of students in Grade 3 scoring at or above benchmark (up from 56% the previous school year).
Last school year, NASD introduced a new Grade 6 master schedule that included double the amount of time allotted for math instruction. Although Grade 6 ELA scores may have taken a backseat with a 3% decrease in proficiency, the 9% increase in Grade 6 math scores can be attributed to the new schedule.
With regard to the Keystone Exams, NAHS scored 47% proficient in biology, which is 12% lower than the state average, 31% proficient in Algebra I, which is 9% lower than the state average and 54% proficient in literature, which is 10% lower than the state average.
Schoeneberger identified that the district’s next steps will be to continue the cycle of improvement by analyzing data, monitoring goals and making adjustments to stay on top of things, as well as the continuation of formative assessments and instructional decision-making, targeted interventions with a focus on middle school foundational reading interventions, math classroom diagnostic testing, structured literacy through professional development and district auditing, implementation of new Grade 6 master schedule and preparation for shift to STEELS.
Additionally, NASD plans to explore new Grade 7 and 8 math program options, perform a curriculum and instructional review of Grade 5 math, perform classroom diagnostic testing for Keystone courses and increase career mentorship opportunities.
Residents and parents can access the 2023-24 NASD Academic Report on the district website and contact Assistant Superintendent Schoeneberger with any questions.
The next Northampton School Board meeting will be held on Monday, Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium, located at 1619 Laubach Ave.