More than 300 vintage cars –– all shiny and looking like they just came out of the showroom –– were part of the 16th annual car show and flea market sponsored on Sept. 23 by the Moore Township Lions and Lioness Clubs. In addition, with the motorcycles, farms and fire equipment, it was the largest number of vehicles they’ve ever had on display. The show was held at the Moore Twsp. Recreation Center in Klecknersville.
Chairman of the event was Moore Township Lion David Gogel, and along with his wife, Lioness Dolores Gogel, they directed the motor vehicles and flea market vendors to their designated areas in the park.
As in previous years, Lioness Sharon Dlugos led the food preparation department. She purchased all the necessary food and her fellow Lionesses spent several days prior to the event, chopping, cooking and mixing to make sure all was ready by Sunday, Sept. 23.
Chairman David Gogel had the owners of the “mature” cars, cycles, etc. choose the best machine in several categories. Each of the winners received a trophy, and from those winners the “Best of Show” was chosen.
That prize went to Bill and Carol Kiefer of Fogelsville for their beautiful 1967 Chevrolet Camaro. It was painted hot lick orange with a pair of white stripes on the hood and two matching 237 numbers. After accepting the huge trophy from Gogel, Bill Kiefer said that the car was in memory of Scott Sterner, his assistant, who passed away before they could finish working on the car.
Thanks was expressed to all who attended the event on a gorgeous day with temperatures in the mid-60’s.