carol ritter

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Here we go again. I had a speaking engagement this weekend and my hotel was, mostly, wonderful. As I was checking out, a visibly agitated employee frantically approached the woman who I was speaking to and asked if he was being “written up.” She confirmed he was. “What did I say?” he asks, disbelieving.  She relates that he was rude to one of his colleagues when answering a question. He then asks me what I thought about his conversation with his coworker. I look at him stunned and say, “I’m not getting involved in this battle.” He then storms out and the woman says that she is writing him up again for involving a customer.

On the other hand, I went to a wonderful store to buy a new Tervis cup with a lid. My previous cup broke, so I went up to the counter with a $22 cup in my hand and told the women I wanted to purchase this because my lid leaks and the cup is shot. She explains that the reason she carries this great product is because it has a lifetime guarantee and hands me a paper to complete to send the old one back and receive a brand new one. When I expressed disbelief that she lost a $22 sale, she said “I would much rather keep you as a customer than make a $22 sale.”  That made my day.

Which business would you prefer to be? Do you have employees that would ruin reputation in a second?  Or do you believe in extreme customer service? Here’s the deal, as a business owner, can you have a successful business with a “home run” service or product without extreme customer service? And then, on the other hand, can you have extreme customer service with a “not so sought after” product or service?


Think about it. The answer is in the hands of your customer!


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Carol serves as a featured writer for the Home News and the Lehigh Valley Chamber Blog. Carol is an accomplished professional speaker, coach and educational consultant specializing in innovative leadership, outrageous fundraising, million dollar marketing, and building organizational alliances throughout the country.  Carol’s creative leadership with bullet proof ideas for recruiting MORE MEMBERS, MORE MONEY AND BETTER LEADERS.

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610-442-4545  Like Carol on  Facebook at Caroltalks and CarolCoaches!  Carol S. Ritter, Past President, National Speakers Association Philadelphia

Carol S. Ritter, Motivational Speaker 

Results Only Business Coach & Featured Writer




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