What a great weekend weather wise for the Memorial Day celebrations all across the Lehigh Valley. The sun was shining and there was hardly any humidity, so it was a pleasure to sit or stand and listen to the speakers as they reminded us of the tremendous sacrifices in loss of limb and life that our troops have gone through. I hope it sank in with the kids, because they need to know what their elders did to keep our country free. As they say, “Freedom is not free”. . . .Carl Reimer was at a gathering in memory of Franklin Wagner last week, and he and some others at the event, I hear, really brought back memories of the past. . . . I didn’t get over to the farmers market this week, so I don’t know if strawberries are on the menu. June is usually strawberry month, and we’re close enough to that time, so I better check it out this Friday. . . .With what has been going on lately with town council, it looks like there may be a power struggle or something else. I did hear a comment that “Something has to change,” so maybe we’ll find out sooner or later. There will definitely be some new faces after last week’s primary election. . . .It was good to see Northampton Mayor Tom Reenock’s proclamation last week about “National Police Week” and a salute to police for the work they do to protect us, and that goes for all the departments. . . .If you missed the hazardous waste collection they had up in Moore Township a couple weeks ago, there’s another one coming up this Saturday down at Northampton Community College. It’s a good idea to check your garage. You might have some things in there that could cause problems and this is a great way to get rid of ‘em. . . . My sympathy to Clyde Heisler and family at the passing of Clyde’s wife Delores. They had a good business with the Bath Hardware till it burned down. I was at a N.Y. Yankee ball game when that happened. . . . And when thinking of baseball, Mets fans were glad to see the Phillies in town after their disastrous set with the Pittsburgh Pirates. . . .I guess I was wrong on the date for blacktopping 512, ‘cause nothing seems to be happening yet. There’s a big bump driving on Main St. downtown, too, just past Chestnut St., but that’s a borough job. 512 is the state’s problem. . . . Weather forecast is up close to 90º later this week, with lots of humidity. That’s summer time, and we’re not there yet. All I can say is “keep cool” somehow.