Labor Day on Monday was the unofficial end of summer, and it was a great day weather-wise, as it has been for most of this summer. I hope everyone made the most of it. . . .Happy 275th anniversary to the Borough of Nazareth! There’s going to be a parade this Saturday, and they’ve done a lot in the town to make it a great place to live. . . .I want to wish my heartfelt sympathies to our former Mayor Don and Joyce Wunderler on the loss of their daughter Denise in New York, and certainly to her husband, Mike Ziatyk. Losing a child at any age, and a wife, is devastating. . . . Also my sympathy at the passing of JoAnn Jandrasitz, our sympathy to her family, and to the family of Jim Vaughn, who passed away last week. . . .I suppose as we grow older, it’s bound to happen that we’ll be seeing our friends and relatives pass away, one by one. But life goes on, and I guess all we can do is express our sorrow, and move on. It’s just so sad. . . . I hear they’ve gone a bit electronic at the U.C.C. church in town, singing songs and repeating prayers that are shown on a big screen by a computer, accompanied by the pastor. Makes it easier for folks who have trouble reading fine print, I reckon. . . . With school’s open again, motorists hafta watch out for school buses along with all the other car and truck traffic on the roads these days. Just be careful, that’s what matters. . . .I hear there have been plenty of big trucks lumbering through town on Main Street, carrying sand or whatever, and a couple drivers were ticketed for overloads. . . . Get well wishes to Richie H. after a couple surgeries, and I heard “Spundy” Rehrig is on the sick list. . . . It was good to see that both the Northampton and Nazareth High School football teams got off to a winning start this past weekend. Best of luck to the Konkrete Kids when they host a mighty tough Parkland team on their actual home Erdosy Field after two years playing so-called “home” games at Nazareth because of all the construction that went on for the new middle school and athletic building and field. . . . The Phillies are back to their losing ways, and the Braves got well over them. Looks like the Mets are gonna beat out those Nationals. And the Yankees are making hay now while the Blue Jays lose. Such is baseball. . . . As for Penn State football, I hear a local fan didn’t want to travel to Philly to see Temple lose. It turned out to be a disaster for the Nittany Lions, as Temple won easily. . . . We’ll see, come Monday, how smart the Eagles head coach was with all the changes he made, as they play those Atlanta Falcons. Enough sports, says Elmira, but that’s what guys live for. Oh well. . . . Three new handicapped sidewalks are going in down on South Walnut Street. With the number of walkers being used these days, it makes sense. . . . With Labor Day so late, Bath Council was on Tuesday this week, so Ye Ed will have his report in next week’s paper, I hear, ‘cause it was past the paper’s deadline. . . . Didya hear if anybody local won a prize for her pies, cakes or cookies in the agriculture exhibits at the Allentown Fair? . . . .Enjoy September. It’s been pretty nice. See ya!
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