During their meeting on Tuesday, July 23, Allen Township supervisors discussed the possibilities for truck traffic restrictions in the township. Local authorities are allowed to restrict traffic on township roads without the need for traffic studies.

The discussion came after residents made requests for truck restriction signage at Walker Drive, McNair Drive, Buckingham Drive, and Adams Street.

With multiple warehouses in the township, residents have seen an influx of truck traffic on local roads. There have been complaints of trucks shaking homes. Neighboring townships have seen similar problems, with some trucks getting stuck on roads and even damaging traffic lights.

“The trucks are here [and] there are more coming,” said Supervisor Dale Hassler.

Instead of picking roads one-by-one, Hassler suggested “no trucks” signage at the entranceway of all private developments in the township.

“Make it a standard practice to protect people inside the developments,” he said.

Some supervisors worried that the signs will go unread.

“There are a lot of signs out there that people do not follow,” said Supervisor Larry Oberly. “The more signs you put up, the less they are going to read them.”

However, Hassler said that even if signs “keep out 50 percent of the trucks, I will call it a victory.”

Supervisors asked the township’s manager and engineer to look at all of the streets that could be impacted by Hassler’s request to see which, if any, would require traffic studies.

In other news, supervisors unanimously approved an amendment to the township’s stormwater ordinance. The amendment restricts infiltration pits from being installed on any property less than one acre.

However, this ordinance will only affect new properties moving forward. This ordinance will not impact the Graystone Circle properties, which have been plagued by flooding.

Residents were at Tuesday’s meeting and said flooding issues still remain, with no word from their homes’ developer. Allen Township will be following up.

Finally, a meeting between Allen Township supervisors and Northampton Borough supervisors was held earlier in the week. The meeting was in regards to the intermunicipal sewer agreement, which has been expired since 2016. A new agreement proposes a rate increase.

“I believe we had some positive result,” said Oberly. However, he could not say more on the issue.


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