During the East Allen Township Board of Supervisors meeting on November 12, supervisors heard the conditional use hearing for a proposed self-storage facility on Snowdrift Road. DT Davis Inc. has proposed building a one-unit self-storage facility with an adjoined office on the 3.81 acre, light industrial parcel of land. Dave Davis, of DT Davis, will be the facility’s owner, operator, and user.

Attorney Stephanie Koenig, on behalf of Davis, explained that the building will be 2,700 square feet with one 300 to 400 square-foot office so the owner can manage the unit. It will utilize fireproof construction and will be secured with a gate. The facility will operate no earlier than 5 a.m. and no later than 11 p.m.

Some residents expressed concern over what exactly would be stored in the single unit. Koenig explained that there will be no outdoor storage, and no storage of trash, flammable materials, or hazardous materials. Instead, Davis said that he will be using the unit so he can store his vehicle, clean his boat, and work on his trailer. Koenig clarified that Davis has the right to store his personal property in the facility.

“[I am] just a guy wanting to have a garage to store his stuff [and] an office. That is it,” Davis said to concerned residents. 

“Frankly, this can be a lot higher intensity than what he is intending,” added township solicitor Joseph Piperato.

No decision was made as to whether to grant the conditional use approval during the November 12 meeting. Supervisors will review the testimony and render a decision during their next meeting.  

Supervisors also heard a proposal from another developer. Abraham Atiyeh is proposing the Villages of East Allen, 110 units of “affordable” senior housing on Beth-Bath Pike.

“There is no retirement community in East Allen that is affordable,” said Atiyeh.

However, before the property can be built, a text amendment and a zoning amendment  must be granted to change the land parcel from residential to agricultural. A hearing will be needed in order for the proposed property to go before the planning commission and board.

While several supervisors said they have concerns, they voted to at least hold a hearing on the zoning change. They indicated they will bring their concerns up at that time. The hearing will be held in January.


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