The Moore Township Board of Supervisors met on Wednesday, July 7 to discuss ordinances and traffic study results. 

Solicitor David Backentstoe prepared a tentative bamboo ordinance for discussion purposes after the township received complaints about their neighbor’s bamboo encroaching on their property. Simply put, the ordinance states that a resident wishing to have bamboo planted in their yard must keep it from spreading to adjoining properties by using a barrier made of metal, plastic, or other impermeable materials. 

One resident stated that he did not think a bamboo ordinance was necessary since it’s not an area of public concern; further, two private property owners can resolve the issue between themselves with the help of the magistrate. Another resident wondered why bamboo is even allowed to begin with since it is an invasive species.

The board passed a motion that will allow attorney Backenstoe to advertise the ordinance. 

Next, the board approved Ordinance 2021-02: Livestock. This ordinance was drafted after the police chief encountered goats, cows, and other livestock in the roads on a few occasions. The ordinance prohibits livestock owners to allow their livestock to run at large through the township unless accompanied and controlled by the owner; it also requires that livestock owners properly contain their livestock through fencing that will not allow them to have free range. 

Moore Township’s current warehouse ordinance was created in 2019, and the board is looking to strengthen it following requests from residents at the June 28 planning commission meeting.  

One way to regulate warehouses in the township would be to list them as a conditional use, rather than a by-right use, according to solicitor Backenstoe. A conditional use is a permitted use that requires the applicant to comply with further conditions set forth by the board of supervisors. Other requirements discussed include a minimum lot size based on the warehouse’s size, having access points at least 250 feet from houses, maximum warehouse height, and further berm requirements around the lot. 

Following the approval of the board, attorney Backenstoe will draft an ordinance that will be reviewed by the planning commission at their next meeting, and then move forward to the board of supervisors. The ordinance will make warehousing a conditional use, and add regulation based on the recommendation of the engineer, Hanover Engineering’s Phil Malitsch, and township residents. 

Kevin Horvath, the township’s engineer, presented the findings of the Dell Road traffic study, which was conducted at the request of the board to “determine if it would be appropriate to post W. Dell Road as restricted to trucks due to the [deteriorating] condition of the road.” The study took into account traffic counts, and the roadway geometry, width, and condition; it was determined that the road does not have suitable conditions for supporting truck traffic.  

An ordinance will be drafted by Backenstoe to post signage prohibiting truck traffic on W. Dell Road between Copella Road and Moorestown Drive. One sign will be posted at each end of the road, facing each of the aforementioned roadways. Horvath also recommended that the township coordinate with PennDOT on placing additional signage on Community Drive and Moorestown Road ahead of the intersections to give truck drivers fair warning. 

In other business, the board accepted the resignation of Emergency Management Coordinator David Ohl, effective June 11, 2021, and are looking for a replacement. 

The Historical Commission will hold their Oktoberfest event on October 14 at the fire company building. The Land & Environmental Protection Committee will hold their preservation open house on September 13 at 7 p.m. in the recreation center pavilion; Dawn Gorham from the Wildlands Conservancy will be there to give a presentation on land preservation, focusing on woodlands and open space. 

The board’s next meeting will be held on August 3 at 6 p.m. in the municipal building on Community Drive. 


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