Justin Huratiak, the developer of Bath View Condos, received final land development approval from the Borough of Bath Council on February 7. This three-story, 36-unit apartment building marks the final phase of the development project.  

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The land development plans had been reviewed several times by the borough’s planning commission. The commission made a recommendation for approval, along with some conditions. 

One condition established by the borough fire chief requested a second fire hydrant on the parcel. Developers will meet with the fire chief and discuss potential options. 

In other news, council motioned to remove parking restrictions on Broad Street during snow emergencies for the remainder of the 2022 winter season. Parking bans will not be enforced, allowing residents to park on the street during winter storms to combat parking shortages. This change will impact Broad Street from East Northampton to East Main. 

The borough will use 2022 as a testing period before making a more permanent motion in 2023. 

Finally, residents attending the council meeting received a walkthrough of the new citizen services platform. This online platform will allow residents to submit applications, file complaints, apply for permits, rent park amenities, and make public works inquiries. 

Bath is one of only a few municipalities taking advantage of this new technology. The platform is currently in use in Erie, Easton, and Scranton.  

Borough Manager Brad Flynn says this platform improves transparency and communication for borough residents. They will receive notifications on all applications, submissions, and complaints throughout every step of the process. 

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The rental inspection application and municipal complaint module went live on Wednesday, February 9. Other modules will roll out over the next few weeks. A computer in the municipal building vestibule will be available for residents without computer access. A link to the platform will also be available on the borough website. 

The next regular monthly council meeting is Monday, March 7, at 6 p.m.

Upcoming Bath events:

  • April 7 at 7 p.m.: Townhall for borough businesses with the Economic and Community Development Community. Business owners are invited to share their feelings, questions, concerns, and ideas to help shape the borough’s future strategic plan. 
  • May 14: Bath Farmer’s Market opening day. The market is now on a Saturday. 


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