The Moore Township Board of Supervisors met Tuesday, September 6 to discuss the approval of subdivisions and waivers, recreation additions, replacing the floor of the old schoolhouse, and trick-or-treat night.

First, the board approved a motion for Donald and Judith Ditzel’s lot line adjustment, which condensed three lots to two.

The supervisors unanimously approved a waiver for Whitetail Farm Views LLC/McCormick lot line adjustment for two items on their Keystone Consulting Engineers review letter, which excludes a waterway that runs through the property. Township Engineer Kevin Horvath noted that this waiver allows the residual tract to remain as is. The board also granted conditional final approval for the lot line adjustment with the conditions set forth in the July 18, 2022 Keystone Consulting Engineer’s review letter, which will show the waterway on the plan.

Next, Detective Jason Gianatiempo gave the police department’s report for the month of August. There were a total of 298 incidents that included: six warnings, 32 traffic citations, three arrests for defying trespass, theft and unlawful taking, and possession of a controlled substance and endangering the welfare of children, two non-traffic citations for harassment and disorderly conduct, five reportable accidents, and two non-reportable accidents. 

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Fire Police Captain Jason Harhart reported that the Klecknersville Rangers Vol. Fire Co. responded to 29 fire calls and 49 ambulance calls for the month of July. Harhart added that the 29 fire calls accounted for: three fires, six motor vehicle accidents, four automatic fire alarms, five ambulance assists, one gas leak, one rescue, and nine mutual aid calls for three gas leaks, one motor vehicle accident, one EMS assist, one fire alarm, and one wires down for Bath, one motor vehicle accident assist for Lehigh Township, and one search and rescue assist for Bushkill Township.

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Public Works Director Craig Hoffman reported the Public Works Department completed their oil and chip road projects for the year and all the roads worked on were also sealed.

Richard Gable from the First Regional Compost Authority reported they are talking with an engineer about putting in a water system and replacing the blacktop. They are also looking into getting rid of an old cargo container and putting a building at the site with bathrooms to replace the portable toilets. 

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Chairperson Jodie Hartzell of the Recreation Commission brought quotes for exercise stations that would be installed at three points on the walking trail, each with three pieces of exercise equipment, which was put in the budget last year. The supervisors approved a motion to move forward with the lowest bid for $13,970 from Playground Boss.

Zachary Zeitner presented the board with a quote to add more baskets and challenging holes at the disc golf course, however there were some questions about the exclusivity of the course and putting it in the 2023 Recreation Commission budget approval.

Chairperson Charmaine Bartholomew from the Historical Commission presented quotes for the replacement of the floors in the Edelman Schoolhouse to be replaced as they are soaked in oil. Bartholomew showed the pricing for treated lumber is cheaper than regular lumber currently and will cost the township $6,930.88 plus the cost of labor. The board requested a quote for the cost of labor before they make a decision on moving forward with replacing the floors of the old schoolhouse.

Bartholomew shared that the Historical Commission will be holding its annual Oktoberfest fundraiser at Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church at 696 Johnson Rd., Nazareth on October 13 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. The doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and the meal will be served at 5:30 p.m. Tickets will be $10 for individuals aged seven through 12, and $20 for individuals 13 and older, with raffles and gift cards.

In other business, the board unanimously voted to approve a resolution for the Covid-19 policy update per CDC’s updated guidance from the previous month.

Supervisors also unanimously approved three county LSA grant submissions for a paver and trailer at a cost of $286,181, two police vehicles and a speed trailer at a cost of $172,272, and a joint LSA grant request with Bushkill Township for an asphalt roller, planer, road widener, and a crack sealer at a cost of $243,543.

The private auction for the Schiavone Farm sale did not meet the reserve bid, so the supervisors approved moving forward with putting Schiavone Farm out for lease for the rest of the winter and to get an appraisal for the farm to see what the property is worth.

Last, supervisors voted unanimously to approve trick-or-treat night for Monday, October 31 from 6 to 8 p.m.

The Moore Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold the next part of the lengthy Water’s Edge at Wind Gap appeal on Wednesday, September 21 at 6 p.m. at the Klecknersville Rangers Vol. Fire Co., located at 2718 Mountain View Dr. The meeting was originally scheduled to be at Moore Elementary School but has been changed to the firehouse.

The next Moore Township Board of Supervisors meeting will be held Tuesday, October 4 at 6 p.m. in the municipal building, located at 2491 Community Dr. 


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