The Moore Township Board of Supervisors met Tuesday, May 2 to discuss reports, public works hires, Northampton Area Public Library “Story Walk,” a tentative electronic recycling event, a cable franchise agreement, the vacation of Trach Road, a CD renewal, the purchase of a paver and trailer, a deed of dedication, and seal coat projects.

During reports, Police Chief Gary West shared that the police department had a total of 356 incidents for the month of April, which included 58 traffic citations issued, seven non-traffic citations issued for six dog violations and one trespassing, five arrests made for three DUIs and two for simple assault, five reportable accidents, and three non-reportable accidents.

Fire Police Captain Jason Harhart reported that the Klecknersville Rangers Vol. Fire Co. responded to 68 ambulance calls during the month of April and 23 fire calls, which accounted for three fires, six motor vehicle accidents, one fire police, two automatic fire alarms, four ambulance assists, one gas leak, one carbon monoxide alarm, one wire down, one mutual aid call with West Easton for a commercial fire, one mutual aid call with Bushkill Township for a brush fire, one mutual aid call with East Allen Township for a brush fire, and one mutual aid call with Lehigh Township for a dwelling fire.

In other news, supervisors unanimously approved the Public Works agenda items including the promotion of Al Hawk to a full-time municipal labor position, rescinding the hire of Jonathan Good due to his background check, and the hire of David Flick for the municipal worker position pending a background check and drug test.

Next, supervisors unanimously approved the Recreation Commission’s request to allow Northampton Area Public Library to add a “Story Walk” to the park, which will be a temporary 16–18-page book spaced out along the trail. The library received a grant to conduct this trial program and will switch out the books every week or so at no cost to the township.

Supervisors also unanimously approved the Land and Environmental Protection Board’s request to hold another electronic recycling event tentatively for the fall, with costs associated with the event being reimbursed by the county.

Township Solicitor David M. Backenstoe presented his draft of the Blue Ridge Cable franchise agreement, which will require Blue Ridge to pay the township 5% of their revenue for putting up their cable lines. Supervisors will decide on whether or not to approve the agreement at next month’s meeting.

Backenstoe also updated the board on the Schiavone Farm agreement of sale. During bidding, Red Edge Farm bid $200,000 for the farm and Phil Ronca bid $351,000. However, since Red Edge Farm had the right of first refusal, they chose to match Ronca’s bid and requested to begin farming the property immediately. Since the Red Edge Farm purchase is contingent on getting state assisted farm financing, Backenstoe suggested charging $220 per acre for them to lease the property until the purchase is finalized in the event that they do not secure financing, which Backenstoe expressed was unlikely.

Next, Beckenstoe drafted an ordinance for the vacation of Trach Road between Bauer Road and South Summit Road upon receipt of Township Engineer Kevin Horvath’s metes and bounds description for record. Supervisors approved a motion to hold a formal hearing with a stenographer and testimony provided by the road foreman, engineer and property owners to vote on the vacation of Trach Road on Thursday, June 22 at 6 p.m. in the municipal building.

In other business, supervisors unanimously approved a 12-month CD renewal in the amount of $6,325.77 at a 4.75% interest rate.

Supervisors also unanimously approved a motion to move forward with purchasing a paver and trailer using the LSA statewide grant that was applied for jointly with East Allen Township. The equipment will cost $16,708 more than the grant covers, and the township will split the difference with East Allen Township.

Following, the board unanimously approved a motion to accept the Whitetail Farm Views deed of dedication, which was returned two weeks ago.

Last, the board unanimously approved a motion to award the 2023 seal coat projects contract to Asphalt Maintenance Solutions, who bid $243,542 for the projects, which is slightly lower than the township estimated. The township used this company in previous years and finds them reliable.

The next Moore Township Board of Supervisors meeting will be held Tuesday, June 6 at 6 p.m. in the municipal building, located at 2491 Community Dr.