As Northampton Borough Manager LeRoy Brobst nears the end of his impressive 57-year career serving the borough, Northampton Borough Council has voted to hire a new manager to fill his shoes.

Brian Welsko was hired by unanimous vote, following several weeks of interviews with a specially appointed hiring committee. Welsko has served as the borough’s assistant manager since September 2022.

“We wish you much success,” Councilman Trevor Stone said to Welsko. “Your success is roped into the borough’s success.”

“You thought it was crazy before, just wait,” joked Brobst.

Councilman Ronald Glassic, who served as chairman of the hiring committee, said the decision was a difficult one. Zoning Officer Jerry Serensits also was in consideration for the position.

“You can see their love for our borough,” Glassic said of the two candidates.

“We have two great individuals that have worked for our borough and I hope they continue to do that,” he continued.

“Mr. Brobst’s shoes are going to be very large to fill, but we have some good men [in Welsko and Serensits] working for our borough,” added Councilwoman Judy Haldeman.

Solicitor Stephanie Steward sat in on several of the interviews with both candidates. “[Northampton] is very fortunate to have two very intelligent, very thoughtful, very forward-thinking, energetic men…serving the borough,” she said.

The borough will be advertising to fill Welsko’s assistant manager position. Glassic asked that the applications be limited internally to current borough employees and residents. 

Brobst still has several more weeks as manager. His official retirement date is August 31.