During their August 13 meeting, the Allen Township Board of Supervisors discussed the costs and benefits of extending their trash and recycling contract with current hauler, JP Mascaro. 

The three-year contract started in May 2022 and ends in May 2025. However, as Township Manager Ilene Eckhart and supervisors look ahead to the 2025 budget, they are weighing their options early.

Representatives from JP Mascaro were present during the meeting, highlighting what changes the township and its residents could see.

Allen Township currently has a fixed-price, three-year agreement with the hauler for $634,236. This includes trash pickup once a week and recycling every other week. The number of bags residents can put out for collection is unlimited. In this agreement, the township can extend their contract for an additional three years. 

This extension, however, would include a price increase of 12.5% in 2026, 5% in 2027, and 7.5% in 2028. This increase over three years is a fraction of the 60-80% increases other municipalities are seeing by going out to bid, representatives from JP Mascaro said.

With quarterly meetings between the township and hauler, communication has been strong and complaints few.

Supervisor Gary Behler said the most common complaint has been missed pickups, but this number is “nowhere near the level of our previous supplier” he added.

“I don’t want to see us go back and cut corners,” Behler continued.

Supervisors agreed. No vote was held, as the contract won’t expire until May. JP Mascaro offered to answer any additional questions in the meantime.

In other news, supervisors granted Barker & Barker a contract for paving on Kensington Circle and Becker Avenue. The contract is for $83,590. This was the lowest bid received by the township.

Finally, Eckhart said work on the Howertown Road township building will pick up after a brief delay. Construction is expected to be completed in February. Updates and photos will be posted to the township website to showcase progress.

Several project payments were released during the meeting, including $13,680 to the Warko Group for plumbing, $35,085.60 to ASL Refrigeration for mechanical contracting, $65,092.50 to Mohawk Contracting for general contracting and $57,870 to Albarell Electric for electrical contracting.

Residents are reminded that during construction the township’s polling location has moved to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at 1335 Old Carriage Rd.

The next Board of Supervisors meeting will be Tuesday, August 27 at 6 p.m.