Supervisor and Fire Chief Dale Hassler issued a warning to residents during the Allen Township Board of Supervisors meeting on Jan. 14. He said scammers are calling township residents posing as the Allen Township Fire Department. They even called him in an attempt to collect money.
Hassler told residents that the fire company does not solicit by phone. If a resident receives a fundraising call from anyone claiming to be from the fire company, they should ignore it. The only fundraising from the Allen Township Fire Department is via a yearly mailer sent directly to homes.
During the January meeting, supervisors also approved the seasonal dog park closure. The Allen Township Dog Park will close on Monday, Feb. 16, and remain closed until spring to prevent mud and erosion during the wet winter season. During this time, public works can also fertilize the park’s turf.
Finally, supervisors issued payments for continued work on the Howertown Road municipal building renovations. This includes $44,325 to ASL Refrigeration and $44,100 to Albarell Electric, Inc. Supervisors also approved a payment of $226,638 to Mohawk Contracting & Development, in addition to a change order request for $24,359.50 for a vestibule door.
An estimated $2 million is budgeted to complete this first phase of the renovation. The township still has $4.5 million in reserve savings and $2.5 million in a capital reserve, earning interest of 4.5%.
Phase 2 of the renovation will cover the building’s exterior work and is estimated to cost about $1 million. The township received a $1 million grant from the State of Pennsylvania to pay for this work.
The township plans to use its cash on hand before opening any lines of credit. So far, costs have come in well below original estimates.
The next Board of Supervisors meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 28 at 6 p.m.