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At their meeting on Monday night, the Northampton Area School Board heard a presentation by financial advisor Jamie Doyle on a bond refunding and  parameters resolution for the new middle school.

Relative to the resolution, the board approved issuing general obligation bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $10,000,000 to refund the general obligation bonds, according to the borrowing resolution.

The directors also approved the issuing of general obligation bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $7,000,000 for the purpose of funding a portion of the middle school project, based on the parameters resolution. Both of these actions are in compliance with the Local Government Unit Debt Act of 1996.

The board also accepted the approvals of the Pa. Dept. of Education  on Plan Con Parts D and E, the first of which involves project accounting based on estimates, and the second for design development for the middle school construction project.

Other Matters

• Approval was given to the memorandum of understanding between the school district and the Northampton Area Educators Association.

• In personnel actions, the board okayed updated job descriptions for the high school principal and assistant principal;  child-rearing leaves for Bethany Valimont; additions to the NASD volunteer master list of Angela Green at the high school and Tammie Keich in the borough schools.

• The board also approved Megan Rehrig for a short term substitute sixth grade teacher at Moore Elementary; and the long term special education substitute teachers, Breann Williams at George Wolf Elementary, Erik Tracy at Moore Elementary, and William Neal at Siegfried Elementary.

• It was noted with thanks the donation of macramé yarn from Ms. Candace Dailey for the Northampton Area Middle School, valued at $120.

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