During their meeting on February 10, the East Allen Board of Supervisors unanimously rejected a request from PennDOT to use Snyders Church Road as a traffic detour during the replacement of Old Carriage Road Bridge.

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“We should take every step we can take as a township to protect the tranquility of Snyders Church,” said Supervisor Roger Unangst.

Township engineer James Milot told supervisors that roughly 500 vehicles a day, including 20 trucks, may end up using the detour. The road, he added, is not conducive to truck traffic.

Supervisors acknowledged that people may end up taking the route regardless of what PennDOT ultimately recommends, but they do not want to actively promote the township road as the main detour. 

In other news, the township’s Parks & Recreation Committee is looking at starting a farmer’s market and is gauging community interest. Any farmers or produce sellers who may be interested are encouraged to contact the township.

The township is also looking for residents who may be interested in participating in either the Open Space and Farmland Preservation Committee or the River Central Regional Comprehensive Plan. 

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The Open Space Committee is currently working on promotional materials to help spread the word about the committee and its mission. Their tagline will be “Farmland and Open Space is a Legacy Worth Preserving.”

Meanwhile, the River Central Regional Plan is a joint effort between five municipalities to create a regional comprehensive plan that will help influence future public policy and development.

Finally, the township is tentatively looking at March 30 as the date for the continuation of the Rock Lehigh Valley curative amendment hearing. Once the date is finalized, the time and location will be publicized to residents. 


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