Kenny Fogel (left) and Ashlee Giordano (right) from the Bath Republican Association presented a $1,500 donation to Borough Council President Frank Hesch (middle) for the preservation and restoration of the historic Siegfried Log Cabin.

The Bath Borough Council met Monday, Sept. 9 to discuss various Storm Water Authority Board of Directors appointments, Old Home Week changes, 2025 preliminary budget items and various motions.

During the meeting, Kenny Fogel and Ashlee Giordano from the Bath Republican Association presented a $1,500 donation to the borough for the preservation and restoration of the historic Siegfried Log Cabin, which also happens to be one of the items being considered for the 2025 preliminary budget.

Mayor Fiorella Reginelli Mirabito extended a sincere thank you to the Bath Republican Association for their continued dedication to the borough.

Mirabito also reminded residents that “Coffee-with-a-Cop” will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 2 from 9 to 11 a.m. at Bath Borough Hall. The event will allow residents to meet the Pa. State Troopers of Troop M, and District Attorney Stephen G. Baratta will also be in attendance.

As another reminder, Old Home Weekend’s postponed events have been rescheduled for next weekend. The Bryant Brothers Band will perform at Ciff Cowling Park on Friday, Sept. 20 from 5 to 8 p.m. and the Brian Dean Moore Band will perform on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 6:30 to 10 p.m.

During reports, Borough Engineer Ronald B. Madison provided an update on the Route 248 realignment project, which began this week and is projected to continue through 2027. The first portion of the construction activity will be light and limited to tree trimming and survey work, but utility relocation could begin later this month and into the fall.

PennDOT has not provided a detailed formal road closure schedule yet, and although no full road closures are anticipated at this time, the borough anticipates occasional lane restrictions.

In other news, council unanimously approved the appointments of Emanuel Mirabito to the pending Bath Borough Storm Water Authority Board of Directors as president for a one-year term, Lauren Bullsnake to the pending Bath Borough Storm Water Authority Board of Directors as vice president for a three-year term and Samantha L. Angst to the pending Bath Borough Storm Water Authority Board of Directors as council member for a five-year term.

Mayor Mirabito also thanked Brian Schoeneberger and Pam Fields Romanishan for stepping up for MS4 Authority positions upon council’s interviews and acceptance of their applications.

Other motions council unanimously approved include an amendment to the Employee Evaluation and Wage Adjustment Policy to adjust the first pay period and two 2025 preliminary budget items. The first item and motion authorizes Borough Manager Bradford T. Flynn to execute an agreement between the Borough of Bath and Barry Isett to complete structural and electrical design of the proposed Ciff Cowling announcer booth porch bandshell project at a cost of $10,500, and the second authorizes Flynn to execute an agreement between the Borough of Bath and Colliers Engineering & Design to complete a design for the borough building and fire house/Public Works building backup generator at a cost of $6,500. 

Currently, the fire department must use a portable backup generator when the power goes out to open the garage doors since the doors cannot be manually opened, so the generator will remedy the issue and reduce the time it takes the fire department to respond to fire calls during those situations. 

Due to an executive session and questions asked by council, several motions were tabled and will be discussed at the next council meeting. Those motions included appointing a new borough solicitor, adding Public Works employees as parking code officials and two items related to the preservation and restoration of the historic Siegfried Log Cabin for a limited pre-restoration asbestos containing materials inspection at a cost of $2,500 and a $4,800 feasibility study with proposed costs.

Following, council unanimously approved two resolutions for the temporary suspension of the open container ordinance for specified areas during the rescheduled Old Home Weekend events and the appointment of Susan Simon to the Planning Commission for a four-year term.

Council also unanimously approved a motion to advertise an ordinance signifying the intention and desire of the borough to organize a Municipal Authority to provide stormwater system planning, management and implementation. The ordinance will be voted on during the next council meeting.

Last, as recommended by the Planning Commission, council unanimously approved a proposed preliminary/final land subdivision application time extension for 450 N. Chestnut St. to allow the applicant to pursue a highway occupancy permit from PennDOT.

The next Bath Borough Council regular monthly meeting and 2025 budget discussion will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 6 p.m. in the borough’s office building, located at 121 S. Walnut St.